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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    "The forces with budget constrains?" I knew you were going to bring the British up, funnily enough, the Brits are now considering a further expansion of the tank fleet due to lessons from Ukraine, the complete opposite of what you're proposing LOL...
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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    Which military has reduced Armor for the sake of inducting more drones and deemed Armor obsolete?
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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    Which world? The forces with budget constrains? The UK? Because the west and the east are all developing Next Gen MBTs which seems pretty silly if they're planning on getting rid of tanks for drones. Oh, or have some forces actually said "hey guys were replacing tanks with drones", or are YOU...
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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    Again, S300P batteries from once upon a time ago. You are once again asking something of a system that it was not designed to do. The reference threat back when the S300P was designed was fighters. The way we keep our systems relevant for different threats is software and hardware upgrades...
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    Tarek Fatah Dead & Confirmed

    party time
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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    Legacy soviet AD stands no chance against modern threats. Take a look at Armenian losses, the majority being OSA. The Armenians also used the 9M33 missile, a very, very poor missile by todays standards. The Ukrainians are just receiving them now and are claiming 50% pK with them, that's with...
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    Pakistan Army has 570 VT 4 on order and with TOT

    Armenia proved this because Azerbaijan was able to fly within their airspace, against their armoured columns with impunity. With no proper AD or air coverage. Both PA and IA operate and deploy a large variety of mobile SAM's designed primarily to protect against these threats. On top of this...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    When was HMS linked AIM-9 ever an option for the JF-17(hint, never). Not even sure what a 9C is but im just going to assume you mean 9L. Maybe in the sabre days, but those days are very different to JF-17 days. The PAF always looked towards others, namely SA and France for the wpns package of...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    yes, the last bit was an error on my part, it was french assistance for wiring looms/harnesses, not french import or whatever. And yes, thats what i wrote
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    Taliban aim to boost anti-aircraft capacity to counter 'Pakistan threat'

    Why is anything to that level needed lol, there is little to nothing in the way of sensors, comms gear etc, its a harder fight if anything because theres only a handful of defined targets Lol, the US overthrew the Taliban within 2 months. They completed their objectives pretty early on, it was...
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    Taliban aim to boost anti-aircraft capacity to counter 'Pakistan threat'

    lol cold war missiles will be long expired mate
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    The World's Greatest Fighter Jet: The F-15 Eagle

    Its funny, this entire political mess has shown that Pakistanis are literally just mindless sheep and will follow to whatever appeals the masses, no matter how many holes in the story, hence the constant rambling about moving away from the American model. I pose a question to the experts who...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    was replaced, take a look at a block 1/2 tail and a b3 tail without paint and youll see what i mean indra provides ecm equip for the PAF. We use ALQ-500P on JF-17s aswell. The french supply alot of wiring for the plane. Nothings been dragged down. Usually with political messes its big ticket...
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Even cooler was a lot of the radar improvement on the f16 was just LRU/Back end with the same antenna from memory, pretty neat if you ask me. Wow. Sources in both us dod and China giving you such critical info? Have you ever considered working for some mil intel somewhere?
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    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    The even bigger issue is 2 missiles per channel, on top of that, usually 2 missiles per target are expended, there are 4 channels, therefore 8 missiles out at a time to cover 360 degree arc, not set up to defend against larger attacks- same goes for Indian ships equipped with shitl
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    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    FFBNW. If they need it later, it can be added.
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    IDEAS 2022 from My Cam

    Very familiar looking missiles in harobanxs catalogue, I wonder if they’re further developments of the ones I’m familiar with
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    IDEAS 2022 from My Cam

    They’re just proposals, I’m not sure why they think that simulations and drawings of weapons systems will do anything, it’s something I’ve seen more and more now is companies draw up ideas in the hopes that someone will buy into it? I’m sure they are some Chinese design though as you said, names...
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