Following the footsteps of brother pakistan . Very soon they will be at par with pakistan one dollar equal to 300 taka .
One 20 years old english teacher was shot dead for rumour of blasphemy in balochistan pakistan .
No , as per some enlightened persons here believe if you say yes yes sir day and night you will become a CEO even if you drive a taxi or work in a grocery shop . Many Indians got highest job by bending in front of gora and sying yes sir yes sir .
Indira Gandhi lost election in 1977 , Janata Party coalition govt of many parties which consisted of right wing to left wing parties came in to power decided to arrest Indira gandhi . After arrest and out of parliament she became more popular , coalition govt collapsed within two years...
There is nothing to prove , it is universal truth for which muslims voted in 1947 , but some hindu leaders like Nehru and Gandhi betrayed the hindu nation and allowed muslims to live in India .Muslim brothers should have gone with jinnah sahab to pakistan .
Ha ha ha .........Indians are there on important positions just to ask questions about terrorists. If there is slight tinge of terrorism in dealings of any country we will stop the funding.