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  1. S

    Thousands protest over Bangladesh Quran burnings

    Following the footsteps of brother pakistan . Very soon they will be at par with pakistan one dollar equal to 300 taka . One 20 years old english teacher was shot dead for rumour of blasphemy in balochistan pakistan .
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    Hyderabad 2.0|International city|New Bharat|India|Driving|4K

    So which muslim city does not offer alcohol?
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    Tesla appoints India-origin Vaibhav Taneja as its CFO

    No , as per some enlightened persons here believe if you say yes yes sir day and night you will become a CEO even if you drive a taxi or work in a grocery shop . Many Indians got highest job by bending in front of gora and sying yes sir yes sir .
  4. S

    Why is there no reaction at all for IK arrest in Pak?

    Indira Gandhi lost election in 1977 , Janata Party coalition govt of many parties which consisted of right wing to left wing parties came in to power decided to arrest Indira gandhi . After arrest and out of parliament she became more popular , coalition govt collapsed within two years...
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    Pakistan China Express & Coverage | PTV .

    Very good show , but why it is named express?
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    Gurugram: Hindu groups call for boycott of Muslims

    Hindu land is not some poor man's cow , that anybody can milk it . Muslims can live in India but within limits. Khwab dekhne me koi harj nahi .
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    Gurugram: Hindu groups call for boycott of Muslims

    There is nothing to prove , it is universal truth for which muslims voted in 1947 , but some hindu leaders like Nehru and Gandhi betrayed the hindu nation and allowed muslims to live in India .Muslim brothers should have gone with jinnah sahab to pakistan .
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    Gurugram: Hindu groups call for boycott of Muslims

    Jinnah sahab already told muslims cant live with hindus , because of two nation theory .
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    Bangladesh: 14 congressmen's letter to UN

    @saif @Bilal9 Hope both of you enjoyed the rule of best army
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    India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

    Chinese means third rate materials , legacy is there.
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    Kashmir: Three Indian army soldiers dispatched to hell by freedom fighters.

    Why anynody will join scarcity of atta land ?
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    Crackdown launched against PTI workers to ensure law and order

    Why these people don't respect own legal system which convicted one PM Nawaj Sharif
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    Kashmir: Three Indian army soldiers dispatched to hell by freedom fighters.

    Ha ha ha .........Indians are there on important positions just to ask questions about terrorists. If there is slight tinge of terrorism in dealings of any country we will stop the funding.
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    Crackdown launched against PTI workers to ensure law and order

    Secularism is not suitable for all and everyone.
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    Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years in Jail

    What you sow so shall you reap .
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