What the **** is happening to our brethren? We want them back simple as that.
@T-123456 , the twin brother of this forum send us a invitation to ditch here and move there. Did you receive the same invitation?
Then we are on the same line:welcome:
Mate, it's not about being childish, but we simply need a dedicatd mod to this section. İn the end we're all here to have a good time. Why would we let people spoil this by not taking steps.
We have previous experience with Pakistani mods during the gezi protests. They were utter failures, none respectfull and smugged to their core.
Anyone that experienced that time knows very well how they mocked complains of ours. Made fun of Turkish members in ghq.
Ne ektilerse onu biçiyorlar...
Nobody wants you to remove intl mods. Everyone wants to be treated equally. İt's that simple.
They mod you mentioned hasn't showed up while it has been quite a couple of hours since you mentioned him. Great mod to appoint really :).