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  1. olcayto

    Azerbaijan offers Iraq access to Europe gas pipelines

    Mate to be clear, the ME is hell on earth. Brothers are killing each other on a daily basis. The worst thing is it's like a bee hive, anyone that sticks it's hand in it is bound to get stung.
  2. olcayto

    Azerbaijan offers Iraq access to Europe gas pipelines

    LNG and ships. Qatar doesn't export that much to Europe anyway.
  3. olcayto


    This is very usual in my home city Ordu as well. People heat their houses with hazelnuts shells. The restaurants fire their brick oven with hazelnuts shells as well :)
  4. olcayto

    Turkish Tea House

    İ don't like wine. Sirke gibi millet nasıl içiyor anlamış değilim:fie: Just give me a good quality whisky. Tastes better, gets the job done quicker:agree:
  5. olcayto


    Well, if you don't like the name personally them just state that. İn the end we would have to find a name that we all like. You won't be forcing your opinion if people respect your opinion :) İf you have a problem with the current name, İ see no harm in changing it.
  6. olcayto


    @Kaan , Farslılar, Araplar veya Pakistanlılar için isim değştirmeyi düşünüyorsan, yanlış düşünüyorsun. Zira burası bizim bölümümüz ve çok abese kaçmadığı sürece bizim kültürümüze temsil etmesi gerekiyor. Fakat eğer buranın mevcut ismi, senin kendi şahsına etik gelmiyorsa, senin prensiplerine...
  7. olcayto

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    Are you ok bro??
  8. olcayto

    TAI ANKA .VS. HESA S-129

    Okay İ just wasted 4 mins of my life. Well, at least the background music was ok.
  9. olcayto

    Not even Nobel winner is able to develop Armenian economy – expert

    Artard, capital inflow didn't start right after the crisis infact it started 7 years prior to the global recession. Meanwhile this artard is not aware that the currency already dropped and with it the trade deficit :) İ can't put a blame on your artard comments though.
  10. olcayto


    Ask it in your own section to your own people first before coming here. I don't approve these kind of fantasy maps either, but I can't completely hold @ghara ghan responsible for it either. Ask your mod about this issue I'm sure he gladly explains to you what's going on. civilised acts must...
  11. olcayto


    Go clean your crap in your own backyard first before you start harassing people in here.
  12. olcayto


    I fed a big dead bee to a ant colony once. Those little mouths sure did eat it completely very fast. My trusty soldiers they were :)
  13. olcayto


    Yep spamming webby seems the most reasonable thing to do.
  14. olcayto


    Guys why should @Neptune say please for something that's our right?
  15. olcayto

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Well the reserves aren't that big. Feasibility studies have been done for a lng plant, which proved that it was not economical. Just the lng plant itself would cost 10 billion dollars. The Israeli will act smart and rationally, they know that business is business. But the Greeks? No...
  16. olcayto

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    This Cypriot, Israeli gas has been so overhyped, you would actually think that they have discovered something really significant :)
  17. olcayto


    Tipik bir Türk üniversite genci :)
  18. olcayto

    Huge Projects of Türkiye

    Well there is only one big dam remaining, there are a couple of more, but those are only small ones. Southeastern Anatolia Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  19. olcayto

    Huge Projects of Türkiye

    Not completely, currently they are constructing the illisu dam.
  20. olcayto

    Not even Nobel winner is able to develop Armenian economy – expert

    Armenia, is just being stubborn in vein. Just give Azerbaycan what they want, mend ties with Turkey and Azerbaycan. This will open the borders trade will start and Armenia will prosper. But no, they like their situation :) . Fine by us.
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