I found his deleted message:)
this is what @rmi5 wrote.
LOL, the point is that you have been ruled for 1300 years by Arabs and turks, and have no history of your own in these eras. That's a historical and scientific fact.That's why you try to say they were Persianized or ... since you have no...
İ was with rmi when he got banned, we were flaming with that khoroushkouroush guy.
İn the end he said something like that the İranian are trying to falsify the history, because otherwise it would show how pathetic they are being ruled by Arabs and Turks for the last 1300 years.
İ think that...
Naaah dude, he was walking then jumped on the horse, which aggitated the horse to jump in the air.
Yes, yes, that's how it happened :)
Anyways this dragged too long :)
@Ostad , İ demand that you ditch Köroğlu and take Hekimoğlu as your avatar :)