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  1. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Yazılı yoklama mı yapıyoruz abi ??? :raise:
  2. olcayto

    Iran sports thread

    Well playing the world cup qualifications in Asia would mean that we will always qualify. However, then we can't participate in European championship.
  3. olcayto

    Local Turkish Dialects

    Karadeniz yes. Haçan geldin.
  4. olcayto

    Japan Lexus car vs China cheaper armored vehicle

    Did someone just compared a armored vehicle versus a passenger car? What's next? A spaceshuttle versus a bicycle?
  5. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    İ dunno, all İ have seen is people humping each other. Or perhaps İ'm just to focused on that aspect of it. Probably the latter :)
  6. olcayto

    Local Turkish Dialects

    Anyone knows what gostil is :)
  7. olcayto

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Mate, they are all ready de-facto independent. They have their own parliament, bureaucracy, police, army. Yes there's a central government in İraq, but they don't comply to their orders. They shipped oil against the central governments will, they don't even lift their finger for İraq during...
  8. olcayto

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Mate, İ don't want to talk about other countries conditions, but here we go. The best thing that can happen to Turkey and the Turkmens, is İraq splitting apart in three states. This will create two landlocked countries on our borders, that are heavily dependant on Turkey. This will in turn give...
  9. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Yes, when you stroke it 3 times a djin appears. Bugah bugah,
  10. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Hacım sonradan youtube'lara çıkıyoruz, çoluk çocuğa rezil oluyoruz :)
  11. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Hayır abicim acıyorum @Sinan a. Dün, Gençliğinde o delikanlı ruhuyla, eminim ki kendisine kimseye laf söyletmeyen. Bazi zamanlar kendi anne'sine baba'sına bile hesap vermezken. Bugün, yaş dayanmış otuza ve sabahın altısında facebook'ta neden yeşil ışık yandı diyr hesap vermek zorunda kalan...
  12. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    O da doğru, ne diyim. İnsan böyle şeyleri duyunca zaten elinde var olanının değerini biliyor. E @asena_great , is your stay in Turkey going to be permanent? Hahahaha, being in love is so complicated some times. Even the smallest issues become crisis situations.
  13. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Beterin beteri de varmış demek. Hiç Türkiye'nin internetinin beğenileceği, hiç aklımın ucundan bile geçmemişti. :)
  14. olcayto

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Why dafuq do I keep getting quoted for this subject. Damn you @Kaan
  15. olcayto

    Will Iran Intervene in Iraq?

    Why is he a false flagger?
  16. olcayto

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    İ wasn't trolling. Karma is a b!tch right :) Although this incident can't be compared with that incident.
  17. olcayto

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Ask the webby at where the record stands. Maybe you can become number one :)
  18. olcayto

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    You really should stop thanking everybody :)
  19. olcayto

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    İt's just the afterpain showing here of his butthurt in another thread :)
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