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  1. olcayto

    Iraq Kurdistan to hold independence referendum

    Well it's not something new, but the incompetence of İraq in the last decades have been very much annoying me. How can you allow a nation within a nation to have a full standing army? İf KRG declares war on İraq today, they will run over them like Forrest Gump. About KRG becoming independent...
  2. olcayto

    New trailer of Dracula Untold (Dracula vs Fatih the Conqurer)

    Well, you don't expect him to have a speech to his troops how they will throw flowers to the Turks and have them over for dinner right? Constantine wasn't portrayed bad in any way. İn the end he was portrayed as the Emperor that choose to fall in battle towards the end along with it's city...
  3. olcayto

    Iraq Kurdistan to hold independence referendum

    Why are you guys still allowing them to have authonomy within İraq's borders? What kind of a slap on the face İraq needs to wake up and do something about this situation?
  4. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Have you ever seen a hook from Joe Frazier :)
  5. olcayto

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    İ'm pretty sure kebab tastes way more better than dog stew :):omghaha:
  6. olcayto

    Iraqi locals, merchants ban Turkish, Saudi goods

    Comments in the site of presstv itself.
  7. olcayto

    Iraqi locals, merchants ban Turkish, Saudi goods

    The comments below the report of presstv are just amazing :omghaha:
  8. olcayto

    Biggest airport in the world: Financing of Istanbul's third airport ‘to be done by September’

    Knowing you, you would love topkapı palace. İt has personal belongings of Hz. ibrahim, sword of Hz. Davut, Hz. Muhammed, Hz. Ali, first 4 caliphs and many Ottoman caliphs. Hırka-İ şerif. İt harbours everything related to İslam.
  9. olcayto

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Çekirge bir zıplar, iki zıplar, üçüncüsünde bir vatan sever evladı gelir adamın amına böyle koyar.
  10. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Damlaya damlaya, göl olur. Yaza yaza öğrenirsin :)
  11. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Aaaah, come on dude, that was funny :)
  12. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    @asena_great Well, he's right. Why would you take a female name? I didn't know you did swing that way.
  13. olcayto

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Why do you care? Why do all of you guys care? In all my years I have never asked this to my countrymens.
  14. olcayto

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Dafuq guys? Keep it peacefull for once.
  15. olcayto

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    İ actually found this a positive move from CHP. Trying to show that they (are trying to) move(d) towards a more center ideological party. All though they still got some laic yobaz members equivalent to the some religious yobaz members of AKP. I really wish that they all would just fk off.
  16. olcayto

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Only Neptune and his girlfriend voted for European union. This e.u thing really died among the Turkish citizens.
  17. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Bıkmadın mı halen? Beni bıktırdılar vallahi. Zaten trollük yapamadıktan sonra pek bir zevk kalmıyor ::
  18. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

  19. olcayto

    Çay Bahçesi

    Beğler bugün iyi eğlendik ha :) Uzun zamandır bu kadar aktif olmamıştım.
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