Well it's not something new, but the incompetence of İraq in the last decades have been very much annoying me.
How can you allow a nation within a nation to have a full standing army? İf KRG declares war on İraq today, they will run over them like Forrest Gump.
About KRG becoming independent...
Well, you don't expect him to have a speech to his troops how they will throw flowers to the Turks and have them over for dinner right?
Constantine wasn't portrayed bad in any way.
İn the end he was portrayed as the Emperor that choose to fall in battle towards the end along with it's city...
Why are you guys still allowing them to have authonomy within İraq's borders?
What kind of a slap on the face İraq needs to wake up and do something about this situation?
Knowing you, you would love topkapı palace. İt has personal belongings of Hz. ibrahim, sword of Hz. Davut, Hz. Muhammed, Hz. Ali, first 4 caliphs and many Ottoman caliphs.
Hırka-İ şerif.
İt harbours everything related to İslam.
İ actually found this a positive move from CHP. Trying to show that they (are trying to) move(d) towards a more center ideological party.
All though they still got some laic yobaz members equivalent to the some religious yobaz members of AKP. I really wish that they all would just fk off.