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  1. L

    President, PM Hasina reaffirm Bangladesh’s position on independent Palestinian state

    Nationalism shouldn't go over humanity. Having relations with Israel won't make Bangladesh a 1st world country, and there is nothing the country cannot get from Israel that it cannot get from elsewhere in the world.
  2. L

    Wrong conclusions being deduced from Azerbijan Armenia conflict

    It's hard to say. True that Armenia has a weak airforce, but their air defence systems are not the worst. S-300 is considered a pretty good system. On top of that, the entire battlefield is a plane area, there are no obstacles to radars from detecting these drones. Even more to that, if you...
  3. L

    Featured Official: Pakistan spends more on defunct state enterprises than it does on defense annually

    So basically, what you're saying is that we should spend more on military than we spend on all of the national enterprises combined? Read your comparison again, but slowly.
  4. L

    Featured "OIC recognises that Jammu and Kashmir is the core dispute between Pakistan and India" - 47th Session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

    It's welcomed news ofcourse, but it's not the solution of the problem. But, welcomed news still.
  5. L

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    Your ideology and thinking is biased, and useless to those who want to know the truth and deal with it. The only people it will entertain is those who want to suck up to their "beloved."
  6. L

    Featured Kashmir not on agenda of OIC foreign ministers’ meeting

    Just leave the organization already. Why is Pakistan still in it, and why is Pakistan still trying to stay close to GCC countries. It's time to shift your policy, and move away from the backward dump that is the Middle East. If the Government has any sense, it needs to find ways to...
  7. L

    Featured UAE visa suspension for Pakistan, others due to security concerns: report

    UAE is playing politics here obviously, trying to put pressure on Pakistan for whatever the **** they have been putting pressure for. Jobs are full, vacancies full, infrastructure lacking. When you can't provide employment then your workforce has to move abroad, the remittances still...
  8. L

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    What's wrong with speaking openly? You speak openly all the time. Should someone bite your tongue if they feel it's "non traditional"?
  9. L

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    Moral dilemma. The Arabs may not care but what about from a religious point of view; if you're non-religious, then what about from a humanitarian point of view.
  10. L

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    Life will go on, nothing will change. Pakistan will only lose from it, and this is the issue. The non-recognition of Israel needs a unified effort; as long as Qatar, Kuwait among other countries don't recognize Israel, we won't lose. Once they do, then what point exists in convincing one country...
  11. L

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    Only at the back of a justified solution of the Palestinian issue, otherwise, no.
  12. L

    France demands Pakistan rectify ‘blatant lies’ on Macron’s treatment of Muslims

    Dude, if these countries are so irrelevant then why are you commenting that in like every other thread. Got nothing else in life to feel good? Piss off.
  13. L

    Saudi Arabia is forcing Pakistan to accept Israel

    Even the sermons are politically engineered.
  14. L

    Should the PAF come to the Aid of Eritrea?

    I don't see how Pakistan is related to this conflict.
  15. L

    Government has changed the name of Liberty

    Very few people in Karachi call it the 'Drigh road.' But this is stupid, Liberty Chowk is a good name and probably has a history behind it.
  16. L

    Congratulations to Azerbaijan, Turkiye and Pakistan. Karabakh is now Azerbaijan.

    That's the job of Hindutva retards. They will make any non religious issue into a religious one. That's just how much Pakistan bites them. Most of that blame lies on Indians. We saw this as a reconquest by Azerbaijan for their land. But Indians for some reason will lick the *** of anyone...
  17. L

    The truth about the Punjabi "majority"

    Urdu needs to be promoted either way, I believe. Other ethnicities will eventually pick it up as well once they start coming out of their bubble.
  18. L

    Campaign to bring Maryam Nawaz into power in Pakistan is un-Islamic: Afghan Taliban

    No wonder Jinnah was called a kafir by mullah brigade.
  19. L

    Tehreek e labaiks protest against France turn violent

    He's a khota for damaging public property.
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