Imran may move to somewhere else but they should start building pressure on Army to arrest the real culprit of dawn leak rather then pervaiz rasheed or fawad hassan fawad .
You are very much in this picture you have "serious territorial concerns" (a/c to you) about OBOR . hence you failed to convince the 2nd hindu majority country with whome you have open borders .
Dumbass read my post again . i said they arnt capable of neutralizing all n.k nuclear warheads in one go (in one air raid) without giving them time to retaliate .
Ps: n.k is on high alert .
Why would i go to ksa ? i hv 20 dirhams :) .
Apparently yes . actually its our presence in that alliance that make iranian pee in their pants :) .
We will hunt iranian & Khomeini's scum day/night . :enjoy:.
Would love to see PA bombing houthis :p:.