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  1. Reashot Xigwin

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This ruled out this thing as an inside job by Netanyahu to consolidate support. After this a lot of Israeli top officials have to resigns over this colossal fuckup. If we lucky maybe Netanyahu will to.
  2. Reashot Xigwin

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Except Putin does not just stay in Russia. That's the problem.
  3. Reashot Xigwin

    China doesn't allow Foreigners to Visit Xinjiang's Truth & Xinjiang Police follow while filming! Indian guy?

    That a Vlogger is allowed in making the trip & not UN inspectors should tell you about everything. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/foreign-propaganda-05012022132531.html/ampRFA
  4. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    China was also super RACIST against anyone not them. They even think British were Rome. The Chinese does not even consider anyone outside their territory to be as civilized as they are. And have no need to learn from them. Just like the Chinese of today. They make fun of the Mongol (steppe...
  5. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    LOL you're the one that makes the argument here. Mate. I don't need to give anything. Unlike you I don't have inferiority complex about my culture. And yes my culture are better than yours.
  6. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    You're the one that said the Westerners lived in tree. I'm just using your logic here. Why are you complaining? Unless of course you admit that you are wrong here to draw comparison?
  7. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    If it to save itself the US just need to throw China under after pearl Harbor. Also you forget that Roosevelt stopped selling oil & steel to Japan before their entry to WW2. Not to mention giving loans, selling weapons to the Chiang Kai Shek & not to mention other form of support for China...
  8. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    Meanwhile the British just need opium to take out 5k years old Chinese civilizations. So what you talking about?
  9. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    Then why are you bragging about Chinese culture & shitting on Indian & western one then? If nation rise & fall then who cares about China. Let it be swallowed up by India or whatever.
  10. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    I hate to be that guy but Indian civilizations is technically older than China. Also you people got "civilized" by the tree people in the end. What does that makes your civilizations then? If western civilization in just a few centuries managed to conquer the world but China can't in 5...
  11. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    More like what they did to China. They brought civilizations to the savage Chinese. No Hong Kong without the British, no Manchuria without Japan. Where's their parade?
  12. Reashot Xigwin

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    LOL https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/17/russia-probing-widespread-fraud-in-mariupol-reconstruction-a81179...
  13. Reashot Xigwin

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Most well designed Russian tank
  14. Reashot Xigwin

    Xinjiang Tajiks perform to celebrate anniversary of being liberated by Chinese PLA from slavery

    Where's the celebration for the british & the japanese I wonder?
  15. Reashot Xigwin

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Not to mention a lot of those of "hit leopard" are already fixed & fully operational. Pretty much all their crews survived getting penned. Filthy Combloc (poor) people. Will never comprehend the greatness of the Leo2.
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