Xi Jinping have his wealth stashed in the West. Mate. Wonder why?
Maybe because he trust the white slave master more than his own people?
I think a lot of Chinese property will be demolished or left to rot in the future. China is no longer considered an attractive investment.
The most...
Some if not most of those houses are not fit for domestic dwelling. When I said that housing in China are treated like an NFT. They are made like an NFT.
Which means shoddy quality all around. The thing about Chinese is that if they can cut corner they will.
The Chicom keep deluding themselves that Vietnam will take china's side.
The why Vietnam didn't buy Chinese weapons?
Begging the question. If Vietnam is close to China then why they signed major arms deal with the US?
It's either A) Your weapon sucked. B) They...
The guy also break the news about China just dumping EV before the mainstream media pick it up.
Also to be noted that the price of housing in china is easily triple the price of regular housing compared in New York or London. This despite most chinese being dirtpoor.
Property in China is treated like Bitcoin or NFT. Pretty much pure spec. And just like NFT market they also crashed.
Yet another reason to hate China.
South China Sea: Philippines removes Chinese barrier in contested area
1 day ago
Media caption,
Watch: The moment Philippines Coast Guard cuts floating barrier
By George Wright
BBC News
The Philippines says it has removed a floating barrier...
“Your decision, Mr. President, to give the Soviet Union an interest-free credit of $1 billion in the form of materiel supplies and raw materials has been accepted by the Soviet government with heartfelt gratitude...