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  1. venu309

    Post-Airavat 'harassment', Krishna heads to Vietnam

    I'm sorry but I think that we should have some healthy debates here instead of calling racist names or giving similar comments.
  2. venu309

    Throw out cheating Greece before the rot cripples rest of the world

    Australia has been so far quite safe...hope we are not heading for an economic slide...
  3. venu309

    Throw out cheating Greece before the rot cripples rest of the world

    Greece's financial doom would affect the EURO & so probably the EU, but how will it directly affect our superannuation? Maybe the author means to say that it may affect the world economy & so eventually it may happen. But then there are always a few countries in the world who maybe in economic...
  4. venu309

    Angolan beauty wins Miss Universe 2011 crown

    I see your point...may be they have to let somebody from every race win... at least once maybe...
  5. venu309

    Angolan beauty wins Miss Universe 2011 crown

    Maybe she scored some other points....
  6. venu309

    Mouse pointer is stuck on scree in XP.. any ideas to help fix the computer

    Just reboot & it will be all right. Also check the connection of the mouse.
  7. venu309

    Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrants having big families to claim benefits

    In which other area do you think Indian community could be vulnerable in comparison to Pakistani community?
  8. venu309

    China takes over Nepal

    OMG we are sh*tting in our pants!!!
  9. venu309

    Pakistani community is under attack in GREECE

    I think Pakistanis & most of us go overseas for education, betterment of life etc, if we want to do any criminal activities, form or join gangs, then there is no need to make the effort to go overseas we can do right at home. By carrying out this kind of activities we are not only spoiling our...
  10. venu309

    Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

    MMS has no say in any matter
  11. venu309

    Life Style In Iran In 1970s (pics)

    Sounds like Iran's has journeyed from a Golden Era to Dark Ages.
  12. venu309

    Life Style In Iran In 1970s (pics)

    Kya se Kya Ho gaya...I'm sure most of you Iranians may be upset because of this complete change in lifestyle ...it would have quite difficult & strange in the begining..
  13. venu309

    Dawat-e-Islami comes under military’s radar

    @ Ahmad, you have got his answer.
  14. venu309

    India to supply ammunition to Bangladesh

    He probably means that India will attack BD because India views BD as a potential customer...once BD uses up the ammunition, we can sell more...LOL
  15. venu309

    Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

    It was more of Congress' propaganda. A few human rights activists alongwith Congress' supervision had persuaded these countries not to give VISA to Modi. If congress loses the next election all these things will be reversed.
  16. venu309

    Pakistani community is under attack in GREECE

    In my opinion, Pakistanis should temperorily put a hold on their attention to other countries problems (whether Islamic or otherwise) & first concentrate on building a strong Pakistan. Because unless it becomes a strong nation, even other Islamic countries will not take her seriously.
  17. venu309

    India ministers watch as cop bleeds to death

    I stand corrected "South Asia".
  18. venu309

    Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

    BJP may have got famous with a coomunal agenda, but when they were in power they never used it. It was only the oppositions daily raving & ranting that were reported. 11 years of Vajpeyee's rule was comparitevely scam free.
  19. venu309

    Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

    Yes Nitish kumar is also a good candidate for PM.
  20. venu309

    Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi

    It was because of people like you that Congress has bee having a field day for last almost 60 years...
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