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  1. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    Bro, expressing one's opinion is not against the law in the west as long as violence is not used. In the west people are allowed to hold any political belief as long as it is done within the law. In Canada, the Canadians government even allows the French Canadian seperatists in Quebec called...
  2. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    You got it the other way around. After 1994 when the armed Khalistani movement was suppressed by the Punjab police, the support for Khalistan was almost finished. People had enough of bloodshed and did not want a repeat it again. Now what should have happened is our government should have...
  3. Jaggu

    Shaan calls Shah Rukh's film an 'Ocean's 12' rip-off

    copy or no copy, always enjoy watching SRKs movies
  4. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    I wouldn't say they are Nastik but just ignorant of Sikhi. Our parcharaks have not done a good job in passing Sikhi towards the younger generation.
  5. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    You are an atheist(naastik) and yet you frequently go to Gurdwaras and temples? interesting
  6. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    Why would I want to be acknowledged as a terrorist? Anyway, it seems pretty dumb of ding dong targeting Sikhs on this thread which has nothing to do with Sikhs.
  7. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    All of these were due to the loud and powerful voice of Sikhs living in Canada who raised the issue of Sikh genocide which took place after Indira Gandhi was killed. Most of these people are not Khalistanis but they do want justice for innocent people killed. Our government should have given...
  8. Jaggu

    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    there is no shortage of trollers. At least this guy should not troll in such a tragic issue
  9. Jaggu

    Afghanistan calls India an 'all-weather friend'

    Eventually the Taliban will win and take over Afghanistan, as soon as they launch a full scale attack I doubt the ANA will stand and fight. If such a scenario happens then why doesn't the Indian government also try to extend a hand of friendship to the Afghan Taliban? nothing wrong with keeping...
  10. Jaggu

    Anyone know of a good Napoleonic War movie ?

    One of my favourites is the movie: The Dualists (1977). It is about two french army officers who always have a dual when ever they see each other. They meet during various Napoleonic battles and campaigns from western Europe to Russia. It shows that European officers back then followed a...
  11. Jaggu

    Were the people of the Deccan the most powerful people in South Asian History

    By North Western India I think you mean Punjab/Haryana and surrounding areas? thing about Punjab is that it was located in the worst possible place in India. Right next to Punjab is central Asia which had the roughest, toughest and most ruthless warriors. That's probably why Pothoharis like...
  12. Jaggu

    What If India Attacks Pakistan?

    How about if both countries just put Kashmir issue aside for a few years and just focus on bilateral trade and increase friendship. Kashmir issue with resolve itself eventually
  13. Jaggu

    Were the people of the Deccan the most powerful people in South Asian History

    Every region of India has had it's time. For a very long time in the history of South Asia, it was the land of Magadh(Bihar eastern UP) which was the political/economic/military center. Deccan was also successful though.
  14. Jaggu

    History of Afghans (Articles and Pictures)

    That's brutal. What's the story behind this?
  15. Jaggu

    I like pakistani dramas

    are there more dramas made on the partition?
  16. Jaggu

    is Bengal tiger bigger than Siberian?

    Bigger does not mean stronger. Bengal Tiger is extremely legal and aggressive even though it is not as heavy as the siberian tiger. Too much weight and size can make you slow
  17. Jaggu

    Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Pakistan.

    I'm not too sure but I think nobel peace prize is awarded to someone who fights for human rights rather than humanitarian work. Malala is known internationally for bravely standing up to the Taliban. And Abdul Sattar Edhi no doubt is a very respectful person, but his work is mainly humanitarian...
  18. Jaggu

    6 surprises that greet a Pakistani in India

    wow you live here? I bet many bollywood films must have been filmed here. Where is this? I've been to Qadian many times since I have relatives there. The Masjid in Qadian with the famous minaret is very beautiful to be seen. You must visit during december Jalsa. People from all over the world...
  19. Jaggu

    Ben Affleck gets worked up defending Islam on Bill Maher's show

    Problem is when people generalize against an entire community just because a few bad people do some bad things. Americans say all Muslims are evil/bad just because of Al Qaida.
  20. Jaggu

    Kharal and Berkley

    I think this must be a case of how many Jat clans claim Rajput origin. Sidhu Brars in Malwa area of east Punjab do that too. maybe many of them are. I think many Jats, Rajputs, Gujjars must have common ancestry
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