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  1. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    That salwar kameez theory is just stupid. I personally have never read it in books written by any historian, not even Sikh historians mention this. I've never even heard any Sikh say this in person. It seems it's trouble makers on the internet who have spread this lie. They say this because...
  2. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    That's the thing. On a personal level I have seen people respect each other. As a Sikh, I respect Pathans because to this day they have maintained their martial traditions. They don't accept being ruled by outsiders. They are an honourable people. It seems this forum is full of trollers who...
  3. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    I think Europeans are given too much credit. The first Europeans had come to join the Lahore Durbar's army in 1824. By then Lahore Durbar had already taken Punjab, J&K and most of NW Frontier. But once those Europeans arrived they helped to modernize the army a great deal. They also made good...
  4. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    Bro, Gujjars are a strong people. Milk is their main source of diet. All that milk makes them tall and strong. Most of the Gujjars I have seen are tough looking people, especially the ones who come from J&K and Rajasthan.
  5. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    One must understand what the reason for M Ranjit Singh to take possession of territories west of Indus. Conquering whole of Afghanistan was never the plan nor desirable for the Sikhs because In terms of revenue there is not much to take. But strategically it was very important to have some...
  6. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    It's not about religion. But in 1947 people in Punjab were just crazy. Don't know what happened.
  7. Jaggu

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    Bro, stop this trolling. Sikhs don't have any issue with Pashtuns and neither do Pashtuns have a problem with Sikhs. In 1947 the Tribal areas of Pakistan were probably the only place where Sikhs were not harmed. This was told to me by a Pakistani Sikh himself. I have met a Sikh from Afghanistan...
  8. Jaggu

    Celebrating Pakistani Victory | Kashmiri students ‘thrashed’ in Meerut University by Indians.

    Back in the day when wars were based on physical strength, those were the good old days. But still Pathans have maintained their martial traditions quite well.
  9. Jaggu

    Afghan notebook: Illiterate army

    Do the Sindhis, Baloch, Kashmiri have their own ethnic regiments or do they join mixed regiments?
  10. Jaggu

    PAF stops airstrikes

    The reason I asked is because you wrote; "Wise decision becuase TTP was feeling cold while crossing the hills at night! Now they can cross during daylight. Same mistake Sharif did during Kargil and he is doing it again. It seemed like you were implying that Sharif made the mistake of stopping...
  11. Jaggu

    PAF stops airstrikes

    Was PAF used in kargil?
  12. Jaggu

    Is The Taj Mahal Pakistani ?

    Taj Mahal is the shared heritage of all South Asians just like Mohanjo Daro
  13. Jaggu

    Indians in Europe...

    I love visiting Dholpur. Actually all of Rajasthan is an amazing place for history lovers. So many ancient monuments there.
  14. Jaggu

    Mughal’s Rajput policy vs Afghan policy

    But Abdali was no ordinary leader. To his credit he was probably the best Asiatic general of his time after Nadir Shah. Marathas were also very strong at the time, so defeating the Marathas as Abdali did was no easy task. The Afghans had almost lost that battle, until Abdali surprised them with...
  15. Jaggu

    Obama orders Pentagon to prepare for complete withdrawal from Afghanistan

    It's bad news for both Pakistan and India. Once US pulls out, the real civil war will begin and if Taliban take over, they will not stop there. It will embolden the Taliban fighters in Pakistan who will also try to take over the country. Likewise for India it will be bad news because many...
  16. Jaggu

    Myths about the Taliban

    That was the ultimate goal of Syad Ahmad Barelvi who declared himself as Amir Ul Monineen. He started his movement in NW frontier, if he had succeeded, his goal was to then conquer the rest of the Sikh empire and implementing strict Sharia Law. Had he done that, his next goal would have been to...
  17. Jaggu

    ow church destroyed Swami Nithyananda! – Rajiv Malhotra

    So having sex with Ranjitha was a religious ritual?
  18. Jaggu

    Mughal’s Rajput policy vs Afghan policy

    The Mughals like the British knew how to divide their enemy and use them to their advantage. The Mughals used Rajputs in NW frontier instead of Pathans. Similarly when fighting the Rajputs in India the Mughals used Pathan warriors led by Rajput generals. This policy worked quite well for the...
  19. Jaggu


    Not after but THE worst attacks occurred on the Sikhs after 9/11. Atleast Pakistanis and Arabs can pass for Latinos, but not Sikhs who have turbans and beards and to the average Americans that's enough to attack them.
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