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  1. Jaggu

    88% Pakistani civilians willing to go to war for Pakistan

    The nukes are the biggest deterrent. One needs to look no further than the example of Gaddafi. He had given up his nuclear program for good relations with the west, and in the end what did the west do? they armed the rebels. When the rebels were losing, they gave air support which tipped the...
  2. Jaggu

    1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

    pictures of the massacre are available online. This will most probably backfire on ISIS since soldiers will no longer want to surrender. If you must die it is better to die fighting than be killed after you surrender.
  3. Jaggu

    88% Pakistani civilians willing to go to war for Pakistan

    This poll if true shows the level of patriotism people have for their land. But can it translate into reality if say an invasion from a modern Abdali, Ghauri or Ghaznavi happened? historically it did not as everyone usually submitted to the invader after the army was defeated. Historically some...
  4. Jaggu

    Nigeria mulling Sri Lankan example to fight terror

    Just hope the Nigerians don't use rape as a war punishment as the Lankan army did against the Tamils.
  5. Jaggu

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    Iraq is a mess. None of this could have happened when Saddam Hussain was in power. He ruled with an iron hand but the country was stable under his control. All thanks to American invasion now so many people are dying and the country is on the verge of a bloody civil war.
  6. Jaggu

    Sikh girl Stabed and blinded by her Father-in-law

    So if a person belonging to a christian background(white and black) does a crime, "he's not christian". Granted most of these honour related crimes happen in asian societies. But you can't deny people of Christians background don't commit murder, rape, theft, pedophilia. Yet how many times has...
  7. Jaggu

    Sikh girl Stabed and blinded by her Father-in-law

    The father in law should be blinded for this crime against this poor woman. And about the way this story is presented in the media, the media has a way of sensationalizing a story. Would the father in law have been okay if it was a non Muslim instead of a Muslim? Furthuremore, why are they...
  8. Jaggu

    Modi right to ditch English but he should speak Sanskrit at UN

    Speaking in your own language is an excellent idea. For too long desi leaders have abandoned their own languages in favour of English. The east Asians(Chinese, Japanese) the europeans don't do this, then why South Asians seem to do this is really sad.
  9. Jaggu

    The Japanese Samurai

    internet warriors are the most dangerous kind. You just can't beat them and there are so many of them too.
  10. Jaggu

    The Japanese Samurai

    Samurai of Japan were like the Rajputs of India. A warrior caste whose only function in life is being a warrior.
  11. Jaggu

    India Awakenings - How a holy place and its people helped a Western woman find wholeness-CNN Report

    It's best to plan your retirement there. Nothing like spending your retirement near the majestic Himalayan mountains.
  12. Jaggu

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    And from your interactions with Sikhs, you have met any Sikh who had laid a claim on Pakistani territory? I doubt it. Lahore no longer interests us. We look towards Chandigarh, Amritsar and Ludhiana as our new cultural capitals after partition happened. For us, Lahore is in the past. This is the...
  13. Jaggu

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    And you are? I've rarely met any Hindus and Sikhs of Punjab who have any hate towards Muslims because most people understand the simple fact that in 1947 all three communities suffered violence and innocent people died on both sides. My own family were refugees who came from Pakistan and still...
  14. Jaggu

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Yamla Jatt, what purpose will you serve by trolling here? Please stop this. I don't hate Muslims. Nor do I have any reason to hate them. Muslims also suffered partition violence like Hindus and Sikhs.
  15. Jaggu

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Speak for your self Aeronaut not for the Sikhs because Sikhs don't hate anyone, never did and never will. As for your repeated death threats against the Sikhs, you are welcome to try doing what you want. But I know your threats are not representative of the vast majority of Pakistanis who are...
  16. Jaggu

    Punjabi Music

    We also communicate with other Indians in Hindi but Punjabi language has also been given it's due status as the official state language and this happened with great struggle and sacrifice where many died and courted arrest for the rights of their mother tongue in a struggle known as Punjab suba...
  17. Jaggu

    Punjabi Music

    in east Punjab we don't measure a person by his religious affiliation. Our society is a secular one. For us a Punjabi poet no matter what religion he may follow is equally respect worthy whether he is a Sikh, Muslim or Hindu. That is why poetry by Punjabi Muslim saints are just as revered as...
  18. Jaggu

    Groups clash with swords, sticks in Golden Temple on Blue Star anniversary

    1. Okay 2, 3 So this seems to be the real reason behind your hostility towards Sikhs. In your original post you did not differentiate between Khalistanis and Yatris because you think Sikhs have an eye for Lahore? I don't like to say this because you are a senior member here and also a respected...
  19. Jaggu

    Groups clash with swords, sticks in Golden Temple on Blue Star anniversary

    Aeronaut, your lack of knowledge of the whole Khalistani episode is really astounding. I'm not a Khalistani supporter myself, but some of your claims are totally false. Khalistani movement started in the mid 80s not 6 decades ago. Secondly, from where you have gotten this idea that Khalistanis...
  20. Jaggu

    Groups clash with swords, sticks in Golden Temple on Blue Star anniversary

    That's an substantiated lie that has been going around. Ranjit Singh did not such thing. I'm surprised a moderator of this great forum can have such small minded views like yours, I mean you're still holding a grudge from 1947! and as a result take sadistic pleasure in the suffering of Sikhs and...
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