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  1. Jaggu

    Modi meets Netaji's oldest living associate !

    The biggest danger to Nehru and Gandhis domination of congress came from Netaji. If Netaji did not leave India and had stayed back, he would have been India's first PM
  2. Jaggu

    Omar slams Centre for suspending talks with Pakistan

    thanks never knew this
  3. Jaggu

    Omar slams Centre for suspending talks with Pakistan

    Maybe you haven't read Bhagawad Gita. Sam Dham Dand Bhed are very famous principles. Everyone knows this is from Chanakya Niti. Can you quote from Bhagawat Gita where you got this from?
  4. Jaggu

    Omar slams Centre for suspending talks with Pakistan

    These are not Bhagawat Gita principles. These are from Chanakya's book on Rajniti which he wrote a long time ago in ancient India
  5. Jaggu

    The Deccan sultanates

    The Deccan Sultanates were powerful. If they had all put up a united front the Mughals could not have taken over. But since they were not united, the Mughals finished them one by one.
  6. Jaggu


    Do you really think this is possible now after almost 70 years since Israel was created? the Jewish state which is one of the most militarized states in the middle east armed with a large number of nuclear weapons. They wont just voluntarily leave for europe or allow millions of Arabs to settle...
  7. Jaggu

    Modi lands in Japan, Abe walks the distance to bond with him

    Russia has nothing to do with this. Both Japan and India do this keeping China in mind.
  8. Jaggu

    Number of Afghan refugees in country growing steadily

    The Afghan children who are born in Pakistan, are they considered Afghan or Pakistanis?
  9. Jaggu

    Pakistani Writer: ‘Being the biggest jihadist group, LeT poses the biggest problem’

    The article says LeT has 3 to 5 lakh armed followers. Is that true? that seems too large a number. Even ISIS or Taliban is not that large
  10. Jaggu

    Return of the samurai: Japan steps away from pacifist constitution

    Nihonjin, excellent posts on this topic. The world is a vastly different place from what it was at the end of ww2. It's good to see Japan is changing with the times.
  11. Jaggu

    18-year-old British Indian hailed as brainiest student in Britain

    South Indians and Bangalis, the brainiest people in South Asia
  12. Jaggu

    Islamic State: What do young British Muslims think about the Caliphate? BBC News

    Thanks brother for the explanation. Now I understand this issue more clearly.
  13. Jaggu

    Iraqi And Syrian Christians Form An Armed Group “The Lions of the Canyon” Against IS

    how this thread could have had a meaningful discussion about a serious issue about Christians in the ME, but it was not to be
  14. Jaggu

    Islamic State: What do young British Muslims think about the Caliphate? BBC News

    Even the few desis here on PDF that tend to support ISIS are Bengaldeshis, while nearly all Pakistanis are against ISIS. The video we saw two months ago of British youth in the ISIS were also British Bengladeshis.
  15. Jaggu

    Islamic State: What do young British Muslims think about the Caliphate? BBC News

    The Pakistani youth seem to be quite level headed and know about the evils of ISIS. But Bangladeshis seems to be supporters of ISIS. Wonder what is the reason for this
  16. Jaggu

    India blocks release of film accused of glorifying Indira Gandhi’s assassination

    Very true. You are the only sensible person here who seems to understand the issues involved
  17. Jaggu

    A 2,500-year-old industrial estate found in Tamil Nadu

    Great archaeological find. Probably there is a lot to be found all over South Asia.
  18. Jaggu

    India blocks release of film accused of glorifying Indira Gandhi’s assassination

    Maybe this movie would have become a flop who knows, But when you ban such a movie, you only end up making the movie an even bigger super hit. Last time the movie Sadda Haq was banned this resulted in that movie turning into a huge hit and it going viral.
  19. Jaggu

    India blocks release of film accused of glorifying Indira Gandhi’s assassination

    Likewise, politics blinds the politicians(like Indira)
  20. Jaggu

    Turbanator aids victims of other turbanators.

    strange title but good work by Ravi Singh
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