read again my post and stop trolling
MMM-E said:
AKKOR Active Protection System entered the Turkish Armed Forces inventory
Turkiye became the 3rd country in the world to develop and put into service an active protection system
S.Korea doesnt have Active protection System in service
1-- It completed its first mass production order of 97 units for the TUNA Engine ( 400 hp )
2-- 1.000 hp UTKU Engine will start vehicle tests in 2024
3-- soon 1.500 hp BATU Engine will perform mechanical, interface and various tests on ALTAY Tank
and mass production will start in 2026
KAPS was developed for the K2 Tank , but it was not installed on the K2
KAPS is not in service
AMAP-ADS has been tested on several platforms .... nothingelse
German Army Leopard2 Tanks dont have AMAP-ADS in active service
Only Israel, Russia and Turkiye for 360 degrees protection
ARENA Russia
AKKOR Turkiye
S.Korea doesnt have hard kill active protection system in service
Ukranian one which typical installation protects 150–180 degrees
and German StrikeShield sucks and only minimizes collateral...
AKKOR Active Protection System entered the Turkish Armed Forces inventory
Turkiye became the 3rd country in the world to develop and put into service an active protection system
ALTAY Tank will be protected by AKKOR
BMC Engines
400 hp BMC TUNA Engine to power Multi-Purpose Armored Vehicles
the first 20 TUNA engines were delivered ..... already in mass production
600 hp BMC AZRA Diesel Engine
Integration of 20 AZRA diesel engines into BMC's ALTUG 8x8 armored personnel carrier and TUGRA tank carrier...
What a great progress from Turkish Defense Industry
10 years ago Turkiye had almost nothing
Today Turkiye In the top league in most of fields
After 10 years, Türkiye will be at a level you can not even imagine
Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with 35-50 km SAMs
Egyptian and Greek Frigates armed with 16 SAMs
7 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 21 KGK-82 IHA guided bombs for swarm attack
1 Frigate : $500 million
21 KGK-82 IHA guided bombs = $2 million
KGK-82 SIHA guided Bomb to hit Warships...
Dont worry
Our state of the art weapons will wake up all daydreamers conflict by conflict
only one example
BAYKAR entered the field after USA-Israel
and they said same things about Turkish UCAVs ... ( no real war experience , BAYKAR is new company , etc )
1-- Turkish UCAVs have the...
Egypt - Greece dont have money to buy all these weapons
American military aid for $2 billion to Egypt annualy
and Germany-France finance bankrupt Greece
Nobody said unique only to Turkish products
We are showing our superior capabilities
You dont know military knowledge therefore you can not undestand what about to hit very small target from 220+ km with pinpoint accuracy
not even close
C-803 never hit 10 cm target from 220+ km
also their...
Where ? in your dreams ?
Iranian UCAVs dont have any conflict experience against Air Defense Systems
Iranian UCAVs never destroyed Air Defense System and large military equipment
Iranian Kamikaze Drones used to terrorize civilian areas and to attack infrastructure .. nothing else
on the...
They are not saying fairy tales
They shows test videos about ATMACA anti-ship missile when hits very small target from 220+ km away with pinpoint accuracy in super sea skimming mode ( below 2 m )
others are dreaming but Turks are doing and showing
full of reality
Your silly posts are c/p...
Greece was under Ottoman control
Egypt was under Ottoman control
UK+Frane gave most modern weapons to both Greece and Egypt to fight against the Ottoman Empire when Turks were busy to fight Iran and Russia between 1821 and 1830
1821-1832 Greece rebelled against the Ottoman Empire
We dont need money , land or anything
1-- We are fighting PKK-YPG terrorism in Iraq and Syria
and we blocked their dirty plans .... ROJOVA is dead
2 -- We saved Libyan government from HAFTAR , WAGNER and bandit Countries
Turkiye control Tripoli , Al Watiya and Msrata
and we protect...
Greeks were nothing until 1821 wth are you trolling here
know your place pathetic beggars ... today same stuation , tiny Greece hidding behind USA-France and barking
UK+France+Russia gave full of weapons to Greeks and together fought against the Ottoman Empire after 1821
I gave great info...