You replied with your ignorance as always
You didn know that USA-Germany-S.Korea dont have any APS in service
ignorant wikipedia boy
You are both knows nothing about military
No need to say hardkill
Russian ARENA , Israeli TROPHY and Turkish AKKOR are hardkill APSs
real military experts...
Reality ..I give military knowledge to all of you
I dont care about attacks were from Iraq or from Yemen ..what a silly excuse
PATRIOT have failed to stop swarm attack targeting OIL facilities in S.Arabia
because PATRIOT lacks 360 degree vercital launch capability
S-400 , SAMP-T , SIPER...
screenshot shows the reality
LegionnairE also knows nothing about worldwide military
wikipedia says Syria has soft kill APS and they says even Syria has APS
.... what a loser troll team with zero military knowledge
You dont even what about hardkill APS like Israeli TROPHY and Turkish AKKOR...
He talked about RAAD and BABUR Cruise Missiles
And my reply
You are still lying ... You have no honor
the last one is yesterday
when I said Turkiye became the 3rd country in the world to develop and put into service an active protection system
and you came with your silly brain and said that The 3rd country after Israel,Russia,USA,Germany,China,South...
for example GaN based AESA Radar on AKINCI UCAV which is the first in the world
for example AKINCI UCAV fired supersonic Ballistic Missile which is the first in the world
for example AKINCI UCAV fired a modern Cruise Missile which is the first in the world
for example TB-2 UCAVs kill record...
Everyday I blocking your lies and anti-Turkiye propaganda including this thread
its not opinion its a lie
Iranian video compared tactical UCAV TB-2 with MALE UCAV KAMAN
I said go and compare Iranian KAMAN with Turkish AKINCI
what a dirty propaganda ... and you liked this video as a stupid...
This is none of your business,
PDF is a military forum and my posts dont violate forum rules
but Foinikas and you trolling and terrorize threads with your silly posts any technical post here
if you have military knowledge then lets discuss about UCAV technologies here
or stop...
I just showing the confirmed Turkish military projects with sources from official websites of Turkish defense companies
your jealousy and trolling wont change the reality
yes Turkiye is a HYPER POWER in UCAV technology
It has nothing to do with where I am living
we are talking military technologies here
dont jump to topic from another topic
enough with your trolling
@WebMaster @waz ..Kompromat
please stop them
nobody says others have zero quality weapons .. you pathetic troll
only in your fantasy world
you have no any source .. only lying and trolling who is spreading misinformation to deflect the facts and to defame Turkish defense industry
because you are typical Greek with huge jealousy , hatred and butthurt feelings towards Turkiye
I showing the reality and...
Wikipedia boys
You dont know even horizon line for Frigates
You and Foinikas tried to detect Turkish Frigate from 400 km away with a Frigate Radar
even my 19 years nephew very well knows that Frigate can not detect enemy Frigate from even 200 km away because of horizone line
400 km detetion...
You are master of lying and trolling with zero military knowledge who tried to intercept Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile with CROTALE short range SAM which lacks Ballistic Missile interception capability
Same quastion for you ?
Every morning here,posting and every afternoon and night with...
according to ignorant troll team
go learn about Pakistani Cruise Missiles which lacks IIR seeker for real time imaging guidance
go learn about horizontal line which block a Warship to detect enemy Warship from 200 km away
what an ignorant troll team
You insulting my reputation with your lies and silly posts every day
stfu enough is enough .... I dont want to see any reply from you
you get on my nerves .. dont jump my posts
What a liar Troll
even U.S. Officials Confirm Damage to Patriot Defense System in Kyiv Attack...
Stfu ignorant troll ,, I was talking to Iranian guys
dont jump to terrorize all my posts
you have zero military knowledge who tried to intercept Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile with CROTALE short range SAM which lacks Ballistic Missile interception capability
20.000 ? not even 2.000 yet...
SOLEIMANI always attacked sunni muslims ... noting else
Trump administration deactivated the nuclear agreement signed during the Obama administration and began imposing new sanctions on Iran. He wanted to bring Iran to its knees, not militarily, but with sanctions.
USA seized an Iranian ship...
Even USA destroyed sunni muslim leader SADDAM and USA allowed Iran to enter Iraq to start sectarian conflict between sunnis and shiites in Iraq
USA-İsrael so happy for Iran's unique role to create chaos in muslim Arab Countries İraq,Syria,Lebanon,Yemen
who is the next ? Bahreyn ?
1 -- Turkiye helped Syrian People against criminal dictatorial ASSAD Regime and Iran backed radical sectarian terrorists who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent sunni muslim Syrian civilians with Russian military helping
Iran sent radical sectarian IRGC terrorists to Syria
Iran sent...