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  1. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    OZGUR-2 upgrade using advanced technology developed for KAAN 5th gen Fighter Jet -- MURAD AESA Radar ( GaN technology with 1.000+ T/R modules ) -- FEWS next gen EW Suite -- Havelsan EHSIM RF expendable decoy against RF guided Missiles also Turkish F-16s armed with superior fire power like...
  2. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Yes They have SCALP Cruise Missiles for Mirage2000 and RAFALE but We compare Greek F-16V with Turkish F-16 OZGUR-2 upgrade and Greek F-16V doesnt have any land attack Cruise Missile
  3. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Russian S400 ( 48N6DM missile ) shot down Ukranian SU-27 from 150+ km away speed of mach 5.9 and range of 250 km will be enough to keep away Greek F-16s from Turkish EEZ GOKHAN and SIPER block2 Missiles will have this capabilities ( speed of mach 4-5 and range of 250 km )
  4. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    even no need to shoot down Greek F-16s to create No fly zone over the Aegean will be enough during a war And Greek F-16V doesnt have JASSM-ER , even any Cruise Missile ... lol
  5. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    F-16 never fought against modern Air Forces METEOR or GOKHAN Missiles can engage on F-16 from 150-200 km away When Turkish Boeing E-7T AEWC radar lock on Greek F-16 from 250 km away , Greek pilot will lose his breath because of fear then to fire 200 km GOKHAN air to air missile or 250+ km...
  6. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Greek F-16V doesnt have AIM-120C8 and JASSM-ER only 105-120 km AIM-120C5/C7 and 130 km JSOW glide Bomb Turkish F-16s will be equipped with 200 km GOKHAN air to air missile and 275 km SOM-J stealth Cruise Missile and of course great self defense capability with EHSIM RF expendable decoy against...
  7. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    wth is Greek F-16V ? -- AESA Radar -- 105-120 km AIM-120C5/C7 air to air missile -- NO land attack Cruise Missile -- NO RF expendable decoy for self defense on the other hand Turkish F-16 OZGUR-2 upgrade -- AESA Radar -- 200 km GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air missile -- 275 km...
  8. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    ÖZGÜR-2 modernization Project ( $2 billion ) was signed for F-16 Block 30,40 and 50s in IDEF 2023 and ÖZGÜR-2 upgrade Project was officially launched. TAI , ASELSAN , ROKETSAN , TUBITAK-SAGE https://www.savunmasanayist.com/f-16-blok-3040-ve-50ler-icin-ozgur-2-projesi-imzalandi/
  9. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    They are saying the truth because Turkish Defense Companies sell their products to 170 countries and No one can deceive 170 countries with false claims 4 Turkish Defense Companies are in top 100 list with American-European,Russian,Chinese companies reality hurts daydreamers like you
  10. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Americans and French are not dumb to compare stealth KAAN with old RAFALE KAAN is another level to become a platform which will include the basic features with F-22 and F-35 therefore Turkiye has developed MURAT AESA Radar for F-16 modernization therefore Turkiye develops 200 km GOKHAN...
  11. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    We dont care about your butthurt feelings I am not making fake story I share news from SSB , ASELSAN , TAI , etc even only 200 km GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air missile will be enough to make Turkish F-16s so superior to Greek F-16s armed with 105-120 km AIM-120C5/7
  12. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    According to retired Air Pilot major General BEYAZIT KARATAS KAAN can engage on RAFALE from 175 km away while RAFALE can engage on KAAN from 35-50 km away KAAN and KIZILELMA are more stealthier than RAFALE
  13. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Only one example first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability Even 50 km is impressive when you realize the KAAN and KIZILELMA have already killed the 4th gen Fighters F-16V and RAFALE a couple of times before you visually detect them Range of engagement KAAN : 175 km RAFALE : 35-50 km...
  14. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    not my claim SSB President Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün says OZGUR-2 modernization will be more capable than F-16V Ahmet Akyol, General Manager of ASELSAN says With the F-16 modernization, we will offer our F-16s more than 20 technologies. The Turkish Air Force will gain a very serious capability...
  15. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    1927 yılında 200.000 Yahudi, 800.000 Ermeni'ye kimsenin ruhu duymadan isim, soy isimleri Türkçe'ye çevrilerek Türk kimliği verenlere laf söyle Kripto dediğimiz bu 1 milyon Yahudi ve Ermeni kitle hiçbir zaman vatan-millet derdi olmadı Kimisi general yapıldı, ordu idare etti. Kimisi müdür...
  16. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Senden başka havlayan yok Her platformda konuyu ERDOGANa getiren ruh hastası piç sevmesende saygı duyacaksın lan amına kodugumun evladı seni Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin Cumhurbaşkanına kimse hakaret edemez ... bir de vatan millet edebiyatı yapıyor kodugumun terroristi
  17. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Senden ala mayın eşegimi var amına kodugumun evladı Amerikan-Ingilizin kullandıgı tipik mayın eşegi FETO , CHP , HDP-PKK Türklügüde agzına alma göçmen artıgı
  18. MMM-E

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Yok sizler GEZİ de ve 15 Temmuzda ayaklanan piçlersiniz tıpkı zamanında Dersim ayaklanmasını başlatanlar gibi Ingiliz-Amerikan uşagı vatansız bok Biz ise 15 Temmuzda oldugu gibi 100 yıl öncede vatanı kurtaran vatansever müslüman Türk milletiyiz
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