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  1. Shah9

    Female activists scuffle with Istanbul police on Int'l Women’s Day (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

    why did they need shield for??? Woman hitting man is romantic and the more they hit you, the bigger tense you have inside yourself. That's comfy.
  2. Shah9

    Turkish Tea House

    turkey should forget about the hellhole now, let the saudis throw all their $$$$ to sissi and his new russian toys. VICE...
  3. Shah9

    "My dear boy, as long as you do not invade Afghanistan you will be absolutely fine"

    the only way to conquer Afghanistan is to bring genocide to Pashtuns, watch them and infiltrate the Pakistani army to get rid of all the Pashtuns because it's well known they are helping the taliban secretly.
  4. Shah9

    Scary Ukraine in Turkey's door step

    where does the video mention Turkey??? misleading title
  5. Shah9

    Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

    YAAAWWWWN useless thread. Wants to create flamewars...
  6. Shah9

    Is Afghanistan really impossible to conquer?

    Is Afghanistan really impossible to conquer? By William DalrympleKandahar, Afghanistan 9 March 2014 Last updated at 02:44 The Soviets began their withdrawal in 1988 It's 25 years since the Soviet Union pulled its troops out of Afghanistan. The US is due to remove most of its forces at the end...
  7. Shah9

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Someone is back..... :(
  8. Shah9

    Turkish Tea House

    Time to leave the ME section.....
  9. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    Idk about Europe but in Turkey yeah.
  10. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    Lol Im gonna disagree on this one. You are on the internet where you can look at everything. There are over 1,000 Turks in anti Assad groups already according to them. West says around 500. but this have nothing to do with Turkey or the govt just like many nationalist joining groups.
  11. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    why doesn't Saudis accept Syrian refugees inside Saudi or anywhere in the Gulf instead of talking BS or sending $$$ ammunitions to Syria. Why sending mass billion dollars to Sissi to buy Russian gears and not Syrian refugees??? Turkey treat the Syrians much bettter than the Saudis. I bet any...
  12. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    Based on my experience since May 2013, I've read his post. You don't get my sarcasm do you? :sarcastic: Anyway, Arabian Legend needs answer... it's because he was democratically elected giving the legitimite right to have relationship all over the world. Only to Egypt and KSA, it's under a...
  13. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    Thanks god @al-Hasani is not here anymore otherwise this thread will be a war. Feeling so much better here! :D
  14. Shah9

    why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

    Who do you support? 1) Through Democracy > MB controls nothing but themselves? 2) Through military coup > junta commited crimes? Simple answer. Just because you are a Saudi where your country have been tackling MB members there. Oh, Saudi Arabia is heavily involved with the situation in the...
  15. Shah9

    Comparing the House of Saud to the Saddam Hussein regime

    Nah, House of Saud is weak. They won't, ban nor get rid of Shias or Iranians in Arabian Peninsula or else they will face rebellion. Saddam is different and im talking about 1991 Iraki revolution, he commited massacre,banned em and oppressed etc.. Sorry to burst your bubbles, Shias get more...
  16. Shah9

    CIA Richard Armtage threatened Pakistan to stonge age

    Exclusive: CIA phone tap of Armitage's "Stone Age" threat to Pakistan! Operator: Deputy-Secretary Armitage - I have the Pakistani Head of Intelligence on Line 3 sir Armitage: Ok put the guy through... Pakistani voice: Most humble felicitations from Islamabad! May your days be plentiful and...
  17. Shah9

    BREAKING: Qatar REJECTS calls by Gulf states to alter foreign policy

    Doha: The government of Qatar said it will not bow to demands from three Gulf states to alter its foreign policy, sources close to its government said, suggesting Doha is unlikely to abandon support for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Syrian Islamists. In an unprecedented move, Saudi Arabia, the...
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