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  1. F

    2 Former COAS and later Presidents of Pakistan were Muhajirs still MQM goons talk crap about Army.

    I know for others it might be true, but Pathans and Punjabis are different. Punjab gave victory to Bhuttos (sindhi), choudharies (Punjabis), Sharifs (who are not Punjabi), and Imran Khan (mix breed). For Pathans it is even more immpredictable, they never vote for same party in next elections...
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    MQM, The Missing Link

    It's like stupidity to discuss here anything. Let me point three things. Bori was introduce when there was fight between muthihida vs haqqiqi, rangers/army only came in 88s so totally BS Punjab Metro was started in 2010, when sindh was ruling. So again wrongly accused. KPK also has pretty...
  3. F

    2 Former COAS and later Presidents of Pakistan were Muhajirs still MQM goons talk crap about Army.

    Dear, that's clearly wrong assumption that they are not educated. No most of them are Punjabi's, pathans and saraki, sidhdi comes on fourth. This is I would say discrimination from you to other groups thinking you guys are comes can qualify but they don't. Also, this estimate is from 1989, I...
  4. F

    2 Former COAS and later Presidents of Pakistan were Muhajirs still MQM goons talk crap about Army.

    That is the point, how it is Mahajir? When Karachi domicial (as per you) is discriminated. There are around 52% of Non Urdu Speaking living in Karachi. who are majority. They never complaint about Discrimination? So, your both allegations are completely wrong. 1) if Karachi domicial is a issue...
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    2 Former COAS and later Presidents of Pakistan were Muhajirs still MQM goons talk crap about Army.

    So who came from those places were ahead or degraded then those who migrated to Punjab like kashmiris, east Punjabi, What is problem with them they didn't able to merge with Pakistanis, even when they all are having Pakistani Demoniacal rather then those of Gujrati, biharis bangalies etc? As per...
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    ICC Destroying Cricket

    India is truly Pakistan's enemy.. Fullstop..
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    Alarming: Pakistan’s exports plunge to 4-year low

    It was actually expected, when Government is not trying to generate revenue via export or increase productivity. Government is not try to capitalize this peaceful opportunity and this will be soon demise of them, unless they start real.
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    Pakistani Taliban brokers peace between Afghan Taliban and ISIS

    Dear, read about AT and Afghan government dialogues before commemting upon something like. Also, its conflict of interest between ISIS which is why there are least chance of any agreement between ISIS and AT.
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    Pakistani Taliban brokers peace between Afghan Taliban and ISIS

    Lol, TTP is trying to be significant here. Now even a kid knows they lost completely. AT are not fool to trust ISIS. They are on bridge on agreement with Afghanistan government. This will help to establish peace in Afghanistan and will also allow them to negotiate on their accepted sharia. Win...
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    Nuclear Non-proliferation Selectivism

    UN is always been unfair. The USA, India and Israel all are exempted from any rule defined. It's good to be oppressor.
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    AJK opposes giving provincial status to GB

    I think Pakistan should make GB another independent terror y like Kashmir. And amend constitution for Kashmir and GB rights. It will solve two problems one it will not be merged with Pakistan, So it will not be betraying Kashmiri people and same time both province will get their rights. But...
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    Nth U-turn: PTI refutes DJ Butt's non-payment claims!

    80 million in four months wow... what the hell i am doing from last 34 years, i should start doing DJ. Only one dharna is enough to start a small industry ... :yahoo: Clearly, dharna was planned for some days only, and his services were acquired for same but then it got extended and extended...
  13. F

    Scatec Solar and Nizam Energy to build close to USD 300 million solar power plants in Pakistan!

    Lol, I read multiple time to notice USD before 300 million. Nizam Energy has already put many solar plants for industry, but I would like to see solar panel manufacturing in Pakistan. This importing stuff will not solve permanent problem. Since growth will keep increasing. If I had that much...
  14. F

    Imran khan again reveals in an interview how he was offered ministery by Gen. Zia in 1988 and more.

    As per Imran Khan, 1) Zia offered him ministry yet called him back in cricket so he got back to cricket. Lol 2) NS offered him 40 seats in NA in 1998, while wicked NS gave a plot for for his hospital and house, he accepted both but rejected 40 seats.. 3) General Musharaf wanted to make Imran...
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    I am watching such photo's are being spreading on social media to spread the idea that Pre-80s Pakistan was a secular country, and somewhere we do lost our way. Which isn't the case. If wine/dance parties, cinemas, ads, are our way to compare advancement then don't worry we lost nothing, but...
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    Orange Line Train: government ‘saves’ $1 billion

    Good, but need some projects which can improve Pakistan income, export and those which can generate more jobs for Pakistanis. The way money is going out of the country is alarming. Advance education New technology in agriculture grow New industrial hubs Silicon valley Along with fast progress...
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    Project 15B: Second destroyer- keel layed

    OMG, so cheap... o_O
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    Pakistan lodges protest over Afghanistan's detention of consulate official

    This will hurt Afghanistan more then Pakistan. Their economy policies are link with Motorway to Kabul, coridoor to Russia from Gwadar, and Anti-Militancy stand with Pakistan to prosper Peace in Afghanistan. If they kept doing such stunt Pakistan can start ignoring Afghanistan. And that will hurt...
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    Nawaz Sharif will sign Solar power contract with Norwegian company despite ban ?

    It's not ban as per I know, there has been many companies still selling Solar panels to Industry & Home. Also just recently they signed a contract of 450 MW (saw somewhere in news). So i don't know how it is Ban. If private companies are buying/selling also government is also looking for more...
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