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  1. LegionnairE

    M109-52 SPH

    If it's all upgraded like you said, what's the point of keeping the same tracks, same chassis, the same turret? Turkey still uses M52T and M110, at the end of the day a cannon is a cannon, but if you're spending all that money upgrading everything why not go that last bit of distance get a new...
  2. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Because he's ignorant. He doesn't know how air defense works. Even S200 shot down F117 so obviously Siper makes jet fighters obsolete
  3. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Keep begging. Erdogan is his god. It will be very embarrassing when Greece gets F-35s in 2024, there's already a qualitative edge with Rafale and Meteor missiles neither of which we have a response for right now. Because I know how retarded these people are, I know he's going to brag about...
  4. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Nice mental gymnastics
  5. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    By the way @LeGenD I am very impressed by the Warzone author knowing about T38M Arı upgrade. That's some journalism right there. A million things go into these deals, anybody who spent any time observing this sector, who has two brain cells to rub together, knows that's not the real cost of...
  6. LegionnairE

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Cheap solutions are for cheap targets lol. We shouldn' mind firing AGM-88 HARMs for SEAD.
  7. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Normally, I would be against making a combat variant of this due to the inherent limitations of this platform but because we are so desperate for more airframes, we will have to make it. I predict that it will surpass Korea's FA-50 in capability. though it's still too early to speak. The...
  8. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    This mental midget will trash talk about F-16V and Rafale and defend Erdo's begging for the same F16 at the same breath.
  9. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    F35 costs less than 85 million USD a piece. It's incredibly cheap for what it brings to table. I expect Kızılelma to cost at least 30 million $ per unit initially. There's no way that's a viable trade. Not to mention the fact that we don't have a missile comparable with AIM-120D yet.... We...
  10. LegionnairE

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    laser guidance isn't the only way to deal with air defence systems... in fact it's probably the worst way to go about it.
  11. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    it's not. Just look at FA-50. That is exactly what Hürjet will become That is easily comparable to Gripen or JF17
  12. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    I don't even read this stuff, why do you keep bothering me? We'll see, if it's successful, it might be applied to more aricraft. But the radar alone doesn't close the gap left by the loss of F-35
  13. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    I prefer this babe TD4.100F all the way
  14. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    P5 member for being invaded by Japan, do not flatter yourself
  15. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Damarlarında bir damla Türk kanı olsa ülkeye milyonlarca yabancı sokulmasına, vatan topraklarının, borsasının, kritik kurumlarının satılmasına sinirlenirdin. Osmanlı'dan kalan gayrimüslimleri gerekçe gösterip normalleştirmeye çalışmazdın. Tipik Türk düşmanı, laf anlatmaya çalışmak boş. Bokunda...
  16. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Vatanı arap afgan tatil köyüne çevirmiş Türk milliyetçilerini hapse atmış. Saygı duyacakmışım yok ya? Kimse kimseye saygı duymak zorunda değil ben koltuğa değil adama bakarım adam mı diye. Kocan bu ülkenin kurucusuna saygı duysun o zaman bakarız.
  17. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    FETÖ, CHP, HDP, AKP hepsi aynı bok. Ben kimsenin mayın eşşeği değilim. Burada götünü birilerine satmış tek kişi sensin. Kocana laf geldi havlıyorsun. Vatanla milletle alakan yok.
  18. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    amına kodumun evladı beni kendin gibi mi sandın. Türk şeyhin şıhın kulu köpeği olmaz. Türkün fikri hür, vicdanı hür, irfanı hürdür. senin gibi kimsenin mayın eşşekliğini yapmadım. Benim kimseye eyvallahım yok. Sen git çölde arap kardeşlerine anlat bunları
  19. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Menemen'de ayaklananların piçleri ülkeyi biz kurduk diye geziyor götümle gülüyorum. biz kimin ne olduğunu biliyoruz sen rahat ol vatansız arap boku
  20. LegionnairE

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    Bu ülkeyi biz kurduk. Biz Türk milliyetçileri. Milliyetçiliği ayaklar altına aldık diyen bir it sürüsü değil. Sen de onların köpeğisin. İstersen dünyadaki bütün silahların içini dışını bil. Bok kadar saygı duymuyorum. Bok kadar saygı duymamaya da devam edeceğim. Adam değilsin. Dilenciliğe...
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