They are obviously not meant as a deterrent against Israel. The whole notion of Turkey, a nato member, fighting against Israel is absurd and yes the B61s can't be used without US permission.
And obviously any attack on Turkey not nuclear attack, any attack by a foreign country triggers NATO...
You on the other hand... you have big balls. It takes big balls to live comfortably in UK while your country is struggling.
Big hero this guy.
This is such a retarded scenario it doesn't need to be entertained.
But for your information wee have B61 nuclear bombs in İncirlik AFB that we share...
If you want to go on a jihad you could easily buy a plane ticket to Jerusalem from UK
Don't try to drag Turkey and Pakistan into war while you live in your comfortable homes in UK and US you immigrant piece of shits.
yes, yes, let's ruin both Turkey and Pakistan instead of fixing our problems
Because you know, we owe it to Palestinians, they came to fight for Pakistan in Kargil War, and Palestinians fought for Turkey in Iraq
To repay this great debt we must give our lives, ruin our economies and become...
yeniliğe direnirsen yenilirsin. Osmanlı bunu yaşadı. Gutenberg ile İbrahim Müteferrika arasında 300 sene var.
Sen adamın 300 sene gerisindesin hala ben büyük devletim diye geziyorsun... sikerler adamı. Nitekim siktiler.
Osmanlı'nın bile çöpe attığı, şeyleri bugün konuşmak için cidden salak olmak lazım.
Nizam'ı cedid den itibaren batı tarzı Prusya modelinde bir ordumuz vardı zaten.
In order to navalize the T629 I think more composite materials will be used, which is going to make the aircraft lighter than it would be.
It could end up just as light as T129 unless feature creep kicks in. (which it usually does)
Yeah, still, that's a lot of engines to replace just 70 T-38Ms in the inventory and 9 NF5s of the Turkish stars
In any case, this is a very good example for Iran to follow. Russia may be unwilling to sell Su-35s during...
Excellent idea, in fact "Pakistan" is a Turkish word too that might lead to people confusing the country to be Turkic so you might want to change the name of the country too. Something like "Bharat 2" perhaps?