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  1. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Newest updates: "532855" total cases along with "20,611" death toll
  2. G

    100000s of Chinese,"Thank Pakistan, Russia" for full support amid Coronavirus

    Thankyou, my beloved Pakistani brothers who's have been with us through "Thick and Thin" Our parents has been teaching us to "NOT only to remember any good gestures, helping hands for life but also pass it on to our next generations" It has brought tears in my eyes when i first joined this...
  3. G

    Gaya, Bihar/ Doctor rapes woman in Corona isolation ward, woman dies, attempts to suppress incident,

    Oh well, last time i heard, they gang raped and burnt a Female Doctor and now a Male "God in the white coat" raped a coronavirus patient, im afraid Indians will be running out of Doctors soon:sad:
  4. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Newest updates: "522,754" total cases along with "20,095" death toll
  5. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Newest updates: "505,696" total cases along with "18,809" death toll
  6. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    OMG, it has reached the landmark figure of "500,000" cases in a matter of a few hours, my prediction of tomorrow has going down the drain with it as well Anyway Newest Updates: 500,897" total cases along with "18,637" death toll
  7. G

    China fighter jets "intrude" Taiwan airspace (or flying in own sovereign airspace)

    Sorry, we don't consider speaking the truth as insults, what with your pictures even meant? Let me guess, its too difficult for you to understand whats like to be ranking as the "TOP" on the world most freest place, right? were'nt named "City of Protest" for nothing Where do your hole rank...
  8. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Looks like its on a pace to reach "500,000" by tomorrow, anyway all is well according to "Wannabe White Americans":usflag: Newest updates: "490,418" total cases along with "18,037" death toll
  9. G

    China signals ban on eating dog meat

    Rice Hey sister, tell andrew ive lost my password, see what he can do about for me Hows going? doing good?
  10. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    IMHO, just wait till once all those data started to kicking in with more tests taken place, with a population like India, the figures is going to look pretty scary, just like in my state Texas with a population of around 30 millions, only around 90000 test has been taken so far, the so-called...
  11. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    I believe so if you're referring to the figures of the above live video
  12. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    A super power style turn around to the positive side;):usflag:
  13. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    I believed we're finally beggining to see the brightest light at the end of the tunnel, so don't worry, all is well:yahoo::usflag: Newest updates: "478,366" along with "17,927" death toll
  14. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Yawn, exactly how you can coming up with a so-called "flattening curve" with incomplete DATA? calling others imbeciles doesn't making you any better than a PAID LIAR:azn:
  15. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    I just like how that "Paid Wannabe White American" doing its usual twist and dance by completely ignore the facts the missing data coming out from those little to no testing states and counties Check it out how pathetic this "Paid Wannabe White American" trying its best to mislead you, it has...
  16. G

    CoronaVirus in US - Updates & Discussion

    Newest updates: "465,240" total cases along with "16512" death toll
  17. G

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    Just being curious, your username Wanchai is a district in my hometown Hongkong, are you from there or has been living there before?
  18. G

    China's secret internment camps

    Oh no, be aware Bro, looks like he's finally showing his true color=he wanted to meet you........Imao:hang2:
  19. G

    China signals ban on eating dog meat

    HAHAHA, post of the month:enjoy:
  20. G

    China signals ban on eating dog meat

    Funny DN, i ain't going to take your bait I shall remain faithfully to my commiment of not engaging more tha twice with a supicious online untouchable:dirol:
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