I disagree he is hero. He is the one that causes Wuhan to panic and flood the hospital with non-critical corona and flu with people fleeing Wuhan spreading the virus even more. At that time the virus wasn't properly identified, not even test kit that the west enjoys now, nor the speed of the...
So China is driving a car in the rain on the highway at speeds a little higher than what they should. They hit a pothole in the road and their car breaks down. South Korea and Italy are right behind them and can't stop in time to avoid the accident.
Then China gets out of the car, and puts up...
They left before lockdown. Probably untested, at least 4000 didn't show up volunteer testing. If I were Indonesia government, I do test those 89 Malaysian. Also they are not allowed to come back until after the lockdown...
Dr. Li leak actually made it worst. It causes people to swarm the healthcare and flee Wuhan. He himself got killed by the virus when Wuhan hospital got overloaded. And the west took the opportunity to spread dissent and civil disobedient to complicate Wuhan respond.
@Indos I have already said, it is NOT the problem of the politicians in Malaysia.
I think Trump will surrender. But liberal states will disobey implement their own quarantine. Once Italy succeeded in beating the virus, EU citizen will try to seek refuge there.
I did a reverse search, I think this photo is legit. Circa February.