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  1. PradoTLC

    Toplun : Bollywood style introducing Tejas - phull scale Malu picture

    so lets break it down... this usually happens... You are hit?....no shit! that usually happens when PAF shows up.. now in video they say these are Pakistani Pastuns.... really? the most brown hairy Pashtuns I have ever seen.. what is the matter India you guys ran out of fair...
  2. PradoTLC

    Toplun : Bollywood style introducing Tejas - phull scale Malu picture

    with a producer whose name is Ronnie Screwala.... 100% screwed
  3. PradoTLC

    Toplun : Bollywood style introducing Tejas - phull scale Malu picture

    Me think great comedy.... Tejas V PAF F-16 CSS pilots... muhahahhahahhaha the Iraqis had more chances against the Americans.
  4. PradoTLC

    1,360 social media influencers recruited in KP

    now I know you are a stupid guy.. but try and put 2 and 2 together.. why would a man who already super popular want to do this? PDM and their creatures do this because they suck in governance, they are corrupt, they behave like and are mafia's , they disobey they law etc hence the pay losers in...
  5. PradoTLC

    Pakistan Rupee Rally to be Short-Lived, Say Goldman’s Analysts

    so the return of $ Dar scared the dollar away...
  6. PradoTLC

    8 Ex-Indian Navy Officers Senteced To Death in Qatar !!

    lol... love to see if modi trolls attack Qatar... oh wait.... they won't cos ... $$$ but still you seem to have a very stupid spy agency who routinely get caught by every one..
  7. PradoTLC

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    sounds like IDF...
  8. PradoTLC

    1,360 social media influencers recruited in KP

    no why would I ?.. I earn over $283K annually before taxes but do you it? cos other wise why would you defend hell bound criminals?
  9. PradoTLC

    1,360 social media influencers recruited in KP

    really... https://www.dawn.com/news/1783782 when noonies accuse other of misusing funds... it always make me tickle...
  10. PradoTLC

    Tribute to 3 Pakistani Generals who Tried to Save the Bengali officers in Pakistan Army in 1971

    I dont these officers saw them as Bengalis but Pakistanis whose constitutional rights that were being violated same mistake all over again.... these idiots never learn .
  11. PradoTLC

    🏆 Elon Musk to get the last laugh as ultra-ambitious Tesla Model Y prediction comes true [being the #1 selling car in the world]

    be that as it may.. Tesla still cant match the organisation and fiscal muscle of Chinese.. remember they are companies.. not one man. further Chinese are explaining fast into china and Asia... there were most of the future growth will be
  12. PradoTLC

    Indian firm halts uniform sales to Israel police over Gaza war

    agreed 100% like cow pee has medicine value... no? sure after you educate your 800M idiots Germans lost WW2.. you think French were better soldiers? I know india excels in all of that... plus cow humping
  13. PradoTLC

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    good! You realised your error.
  14. PradoTLC

    🏆 Elon Musk to get the last laugh as ultra-ambitious Tesla Model Y prediction comes true [being the #1 selling car in the world]

    and you think Chinese won't respond?....economies of scale and fiscal muscle the Chinese have over Tesla (assuming tech level is the same)
  15. PradoTLC

    A Very Interesting Aspect of Indus Shield 23 Exercise

    not surprised... when indians introduced BVR in the 1990s.. PAF developed anti BVR tactics according AFM indians mentality you need to understand ... make more fart than motion in true indian style may be the are late..... 8-)
  16. PradoTLC

    Over 300 PIA flights cancelled in 10 days, fuel shortage

    dont worry Nawj is in Pak.. he will invent new gas tech to supply PIA (Please Inform Abbu jee)
  17. PradoTLC

    Celebrations in Afghanistan after beating pakistan

    cool... they beat Pakistan .. the great achievement..like india
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