How is a WTO meeting irrelevant?Over 50 countries are participating.This was specially called by India against the injustice towards developing countries in the WTO.
Highly unlikely,considering USA's insistence on "Foundational Agreements" and the fact that $2 billion is being spent on Rafale for India-specific customizations
Setting up of medical colleges could have easily been made a part of CPEC,I am sure there are enough skilled surgeons in China to train Pakistani surgeons
We also have reciprocal peacetime access to US bases in the region,such as Diego Garcia,and maybe Vietnam,Japan and Australia in the future.Chabahar has been handed over to India for 18 months,and Singapore has also provided access.
France is a legitimate Indian Ocean power as Reunion Island...
FATF is not run by USA.If you don't take indiscriminate action against all terrorist groups on your soil,UN sanctions will come after FATF blacklist.EU is already considering its own trade sanctions.
China has negligible naval presence and naval facilities close to Maldives,which is just 90 nautical miles from Lakshwadweep and not very far from major base at Cochin.At any point of time,there are way more Indian ships there compared to Chinese assets.
Check the posts above you,it is fresh news
I highly doubt that the F-35 will be offered without typical Americans strings attached(and agreements like CISMOA) will India will never accept.
On the other hand,Russia is not willing to transfer enough technology and workshare for the amount of money it's demanding.
Currently,the kind of...
General Bajwa said that Pakistan has made a lot of sacrifices in the fight against terrorism,and "no more".He also asked the world to do more,the world is doing exactly that- FATF grey list/potential black list,EU blacklist and more to come