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  1. Ryuzaki

    Pakistan to boycott WTO summit in New Dehli

    How is a WTO meeting irrelevant?Over 50 countries are participating.This was specially called by India against the injustice towards developing countries in the WTO.
  2. Ryuzaki

    Pakistan's 'net reserves stand at minus $724m'

    Well,Pakistanis wanted CPEC,enjoy it now
  3. Ryuzaki

    Govt tells IAF to consider Boeing's F-18 Super Hornets for $16 bn order

    Highly unlikely,considering USA's insistence on "Foundational Agreements" and the fact that $2 billion is being spent on Rafale for India-specific customizations
  4. Ryuzaki

    Senators in shock: CPEC western route doesn’t exist in Chinese record

    Don't blame Nawaz for CPEC,everyone knows it was pushed forward by the establishment
  5. Ryuzaki

    Indian surgeon to perform liver transplants in Karachi this month

    Setting up of medical colleges could have easily been made a part of CPEC,I am sure there are enough skilled surgeons in China to train Pakistani surgeons
  6. Ryuzaki

    India, France sign strategic pact on use of each other's military bases

    We also have reciprocal peacetime access to US bases in the region,such as Diego Garcia,and maybe Vietnam,Japan and Australia in the future.Chabahar has been handed over to India for 18 months,and Singapore has also provided access. France is a legitimate Indian Ocean power as Reunion Island...
  7. Ryuzaki

    Japan to recruit 2 lakh Indian IT professionals

    Good decision by Japan.Like minded countries should work together to bring peace and prosperity in the region
  8. Ryuzaki

    Pakistan Will Not Fight The War Imposed By USA Anymore: Pakistani Foreign Minister; Khawaja Asif

    FATF is not run by USA.If you don't take indiscriminate action against all terrorist groups on your soil,UN sanctions will come after FATF blacklist.EU is already considering its own trade sanctions.
  9. Ryuzaki

    ManMohan Singh & RaghuRam Rajan most corrupt duo in Indian history?

    Raghuram Rajan was an IMF agent/economic hitman whose goal was to slow down the Indian economy
  10. Ryuzaki

    US offers $5 million reward for Pakistan Taliban leader

    But but USA is supporting TTP along with NDS and RAW!
  11. Ryuzaki

    India wants to invest in Bagerhat, Saidpur airports: Envoy

    Indian members should not take the bait.Real life Bangladeshis are completely different to the hyper-emotional ones here
  12. Ryuzaki

    Chinese naval force may have deterred Indian invasion of Maldives

    China has negligible naval presence and naval facilities close to Maldives,which is just 90 nautical miles from Lakshwadweep and not very far from major base at Cochin.At any point of time,there are way more Indian ships there compared to Chinese assets.
  13. Ryuzaki

    Elon Musk asks Trump to kill American auto companies in China

    How many China made vehicles are sold in the US?
  14. Ryuzaki

    Hafiz Saeed to Rebrand JuD, will register his political party with the Election Commission of Pak

    Check the posts above you,it is fresh news https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/islamabad-high-court-clears-way-for-registration-of-hafiz-saeed-s-political-party/story-WwXBr8tvNb6kjFfcgzlv5H.html
  15. Ryuzaki

    The F-35 could dismantle Russia's Su-57 'stealth' jet program without even firing a shot

    I highly doubt that the F-35 will be offered without typical Americans strings attached(and agreements like CISMOA) will India will never accept. On the other hand,Russia is not willing to transfer enough technology and workshare for the amount of money it's demanding. Currently,the kind of...
  16. Ryuzaki

    Hafiz Saeed to Rebrand JuD, will register his political party with the Election Commission of Pak

    Bold decision by Pak authorities,seems like they have decided to stand firm despite international pressure.
  17. Ryuzaki

    China accused of arresting dozens of Muslim women married to Pakistani men

    Motion has been passed by legislative assembly in Gilgit-Baltistan.But Pakistanis are blaming "Voice of America" because of obvious reasons.
  18. Ryuzaki

    Pentagon expects Pakistan to ‘do more’ - , Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W White

    General Bajwa said that Pakistan has made a lot of sacrifices in the fight against terrorism,and "no more".He also asked the world to do more,the world is doing exactly that- FATF grey list/potential black list,EU blacklist and more to come
  19. Ryuzaki

    LCA Tejas Fighter Gets Big Push From Modi Govt, All Eyes On Action

    Sanity has prevailed,F-16 order cannot be justified
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