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  1. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    Once again you are caught lying with your hindu lungi. You must be high on Gau Mutra. Where does it say that Dalit woman was beaten in Bengal you lying Hindu. This Incident tool place near Meerut which is in UP. Thakurs of UP belong to Upper Caste. Your Beloved Yogi Adityanath is also a...
  2. D

    Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

    Yes your right. This ritual is still better than distributing people into a racist caste system and running a systematic pogram to kill,rape, murder and subdue them just because they belong to a lower caste.More over lynching and killing people for eating beef , honor killings,Love Jihad, ghar...
  3. D

    Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

    I didnt say it is associated with Hindu Culture. But even if its a tribal culture of West Bengal. It is still Disgusting. Nothing to be proud of it.
  4. D

    Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

    Absolutely Disgusting! The Second Human Skull looks it belongs to a Child.
  5. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    She is a Hindu woman who snubs your hindu BS down your throat and lights your Hindu Lungi on Fire Why would she be my type? Just because you she exposed your hindu community who love to rape hindu women and have turned Hindu India into a freaking Hindu Brothel? I mean its not a Pakistani...
  6. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    That Random Hindu woman is not abusing India you stupid Hindu. She calls your country the Rape Capital of the World and backs it with facts, figures and her Ground work. Which is more credible than what you have been posting because you have been caught lying with your pants down and exposed...
  7. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    You mean to say that nonsense you posted from Logical Hindu about one year old is somehow linked to what happenned in 2021?? Did you even read the link you posted? The Guy died of a heart attack and not Covid ...please stop making a fool out of your hindu self. Atleast read what you post...
  8. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    What a cheapshot. That link you posted about son was asked to pay Rs. 5000 is one year old you stupid hindu. Atleast read the sites you post before making a complete fool out of your hindu lungi.
  9. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    But you were caught with your pants down posting an year old link about a man paying Rs 5000 for the funeral and than giving justifications about how the hindu man had to give money as bussiness and not charity as If the two incidents were linked together. And now that you have been completely...
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    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    Obviously you have to change the topic, because you were caught with your pants down lying about the hindu man paying Rps 5000 for the Funeral to a Muslim sanstha. while you were exposed posting a link about an year old incident which had nothing to do with the Hindu Man abandoning his Hindu...
  11. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    Offcourse it does. The slap when katarwadi Hindus like you are exposed. Facts are a Hindu ditched his Hindu Fathers deceased body, didnt pay a dime for his funeral and a Jihadi/ Tabligi Musalaman Performed the Final Rites for that dead hindu. Where are you Hindu Gau rakshaks? Or so callled...
  12. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    But We Accept that India is a Racist Sh!thole Country. People get lynched for eating beef, transporting cows, raping women, love jihad, ghar wapsi , killing dalits,/adhivasis etc kind of pogroms running in India is very common. Indians hating Indians is a reality. Not only caste , language...
  13. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    He is a "HINDU" man refusing to perform the final funeral rites of his "HINDU" father. And to top it off a Jihadi/ Tabiligi / katarwadi Musalamam performing the funeral rites of a hindu is a big slap on katarwadi Hindu's like you.
  14. D

    Bihar SHO Lynched in West Bengal, Mosque Loudspeaker Used to Instigate People, Mother Dies of Shock

    Who did this "HINDU" man pay Rs. 5000?? Clearly the "HINDU" man abandonned his "HINDU" Father and gave in writting to the hospital that he wont accept the dead body nor would do his Funeral. People for Kabir Seva Sansthan actually came forward to help remove the body and peform the funeral...
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