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  1. TMA

    Intelligence Report: "My Stand is with Pakistan"

    Do you have any ideas on how Pakistan can counter the influence of foreign religico-political figures on some Pakistani Shia without it becoming a sanguine effusion? The Ayatollahs are no doubt more intelligent and united than the Saud Family but no less sinister to Pakistan and her people...
  2. TMA

    Intelligence Report: "My Stand is with Pakistan"

    And if Saudi Arabia took a leaf from Iran and managed to combine revered religious personalities with political personalities - then what? The fact that some Pakistani Shia see foreign political leaders as religious leaders and vice versa is an issue already. And Iran uses this to her...
  3. TMA

    Today, I am proudly Iranian (Pervez Hoodbhoy)

    Non intentionally you wish to add....
  4. TMA

    UK Police brutally beat up a Muslim even after he willingly cooperates

    Read 'The Nameless War' by Captain A.H.M. Ramsay at https://archive.org/details/TheNamelessWar_105
  5. TMA

    UK Police brutally beat up a Muslim even after he willingly cooperates

    They managed to open those doors by engaging in unethical buisness dealings....it was not just toil and unity that led to their preeminent position...
  6. TMA

    US to resume military training programme for Pakistan: State Dept

    I think the politically correct term is educate....
  7. TMA

    The Afghanistan paper's; A secret history of the war.

    But first Afghanistan has to get over her national arrogance towards Pakistan. The Durrani empire was brutal towards many Muslims let alone non Muslims....
  8. TMA

    Israeli spyware allegedly used to target Pakistani officials' phones

    But foolishly Pakistan recognises the Zionist Kingdom, imposter Israel's elder sister!!!
  9. TMA

    KL Summit Decision: Another View

    Do you think Imran can get rid of the traitors? Even Muhammad Asad left Pakistan because of these people and this was when they were much less than now.
  10. TMA

    Saudi Arabia rejects reports it pressurised Pakistan from attending KL Summit

    Otherwise you become like the Ottoman Caliphate....sick...and break up...
  11. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    Get economically independent. No more IMF. Make jobs in Pakistan. Reintroduce Gold and Silver. Sort out the traitors in Pakistan that would prevent this...that is the first step.
  12. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    Is this just rhetoric? What can Pakistan do in the face of blackmail from the occupiers of the Hejaz?
  13. TMA

    For Afghan Refugees, Pakistan is a Nightmare—but Also Safe HOME

    No. Even Pakistanis are not loyal to Pakistan. And it would be foolish with a capital F for Pakistan to accept those born on Pak territory from an enemy state just on the basis of birth location. Honorable repatriation so they can help build up thier Afghanistan is the wisest course in the long...
  14. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    You are assuming things. If you think I am Shia think again. If you think the Zionist Kingdom is not protected and nourished by their Western masters think again.
  15. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    Not denying cultural, linguistic, racial or religious links. BUT the KSA is the Zionist Kingdom and a dagger in the heart of the Muslims including the Arabs....if the Arabs cannot see this then I pray at least Pakistanis can wake up and smell the coffee...
  16. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    True that South Asia is economically weak. But i was also trying to get at the satanic and antichristic role that the Zionist Kingdom has waged upon the Muslim world by exporting her antichristic version of Islam via scholars for dollars and thus crushing the spiritual heart of Islam for the...
  17. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    If only Pakistanis could see this. Iran has seen this.
  18. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    In the sense the Zionist Kingdom has been exporting her Antichristic version of Islam to the Muslim world via scholars for dollars....you could argue that is still Pakistan's fault and I would concur.
  19. TMA

    Erdogan says Saudi 'put pressure' on Pakistan to withdraw from Malaysia summit: Turkish media

    Yes. Pakistan needs to realise that Saudi Arabia is no friend. Indeed I consider her to be a sister to Imposter Israel and an occupier of the Hijaz.
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