I love the way you use the word اردو, I try and use it with Pakistanis..but they don't get it...
Not good...the battle is over but the war rages on....
But one thing the infighting peoples of Afghanistan agree on: their irrational hatred of Pakistan.
Like Imran Khan's tongue uttering this....how many times have we heard this sort only for it to be postponed?
But the point is that those who try to paint the Mughals as purely anti-Sanatum Dharmics who cared not one iota for the native peoples...well it does not fit with the picture that Audrey has uncovered...the Mughals were interested in Dharmic philosophy otherwise they would not commission...
Really, well this historian disagrees with you. She says that during Mughal times the Mughals would ask the Brahmins to translate some of their stuff into Persian, using the commonly spoken (old) Hindi (Urdu) between the two.
Quoting some more
"....As Truschke discovered, the Mughal courts in...
I don't know if she had more access or not but read an interview with her @ https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/interview/scholar-audrey-truschke-aurangzeb-is-a-severely-misunderstood-figure/article7648723.ece
"....Generally, the Mughals acted violently towards political foes (whether they were...
Yes. I think we ought to refrain from naming after people post 1947, save Quaid e Azaam and perhaps soldiers martyred in action, but certainly not politicians.
They have a gallery inside the airport and guess what they call it...Ghandara Galleries
"Hindu and Jain temples dotted the landscape of Aurangzeb’s kingdom. These religious institutions were entitled to Mughal state protection, and Aurangzeb generally endeavoured...
Aurangzeb built temples as well. He did not destroy temples cos he hated them. But this is a question of history.
Whilst I am not defending the oppression of Muslim emperors, oppression was not the domain of Muslim rulers only.
And what is your definition of genocide? Are you using the UN...