I think that the State ought to also introduce words from smaller languages like Balochi, Kashmiri, Chitrali etc etc into Old Hindi (Urdu).
Why do you say he is an Afghan Afghan (Afghan Pukhtoon)?
I don’t wish for a sudden pullout as I think it will lead to more destabilisation and therefore negatively affect Pakistan as well. Although I do want NATO gone as their purpose has nefarious undertones towards Pakistan.
The State ought not to be play God....she is already doing this.....but why add to this matter....and this is a broader issue than just marriage under 18 years old.....
This is narrow mindedness, indolence and intolerance of the State to deal with the plurality and flexibility of the post...
Yeah of course, but who decides what is a child....who knows best....The State is over stepping its boundaries...a blanket ban on marriages under the age of 18 is a lazy way of stopping abuse....25 year olds get abused.....
Islamic jurisprudence allowed for individual differences....whereas...
Islamic jurisprudence is very tolerant and flexible..the State ought not to restrict this freedom....merely guide...but how can they guide when they are not versed....?
Nope..deep down the world can support way more people than what it has, but one has to remove usury from the economy for a just and equitable life....
Even a non Muslim knew the dangers of usury....
Ezra Pound.
With Usura
With usura hath no man a house of good stone
each block...
But within PTI there is, no doubt....perhaps Imran is trying to balance the forces.....
What has led to poverty is usury and corruption.....Imran is focussing on the latter and bravo to him...but why does he ignore the Blue Whale in the room?.....
I think there is a dualism within PTI and perhaps Imran is caught up within this dualism.....
About the release of Asia Bibi...well if the Court deems that she is not guilty...on what basis do you disagree with them? Are you privy to some information that the Court was not?
Exactimo! We are being presented with a false dilemma....verily the Architect is cunning indeed!
One could really argue that "Wahabism" is the "Western European" form of Islam, sorta akin to a "Protestant" Islam.....
Would you define Political Islam?
Isn't Strategic Depth just another way of saying that Afghanistan accepts the existence of Pakistan and does NOT allow her territory to be used for anti-Pakistani events?
Exactly and many Pakistanis don't get this, they just think the non Afghan Afghans are the anti-Pakistani ones....
NATO does not have a free hand there...what makes you think that the Afghan Taliban will allow Pakistan a free hand? Do you think they are under a Pakistani thumb?
Visa free - are you for real....the Afghan Afghans (Pukhtoons) also despise Pakistan. It ain't just the NA. One thing that Afghan Afghans and Afghan Non Afghans are all united on is being anti-Pakistan (I am talking as a collective and not individually). It matters little if cultural...