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  1. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    Falcon Heavy Falcon Heavy is a super-heavy lift space launch system developed and operated by Space Exploration Technologies, SpaceX. Using the company’s Falcon 9 launcher as a basis, Falcon Heavy consists of three F9 cores with a total of 27 Merlin engines, topped by a Falcon 9 upper stage...
  2. SvenSvensonov

    Sweden offers India collaboration on fighters and submarines

    You opted for Chinese takeout: When you could have had Swedish Meatballs instead: You made your choice (though other factors contributed, such as the US).
  3. SvenSvensonov

    Funny Countryballs et al !

    Minor translation problem:usflag: G8... uh, 7:partay:
  4. SvenSvensonov

    Micro stories - small news bits too small to have their own thread

    He’s Probably Just Playing a Subway Simulator :lol:Subway simulator... right
  5. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Innsatsstyrke Grebe under øvelse Oslofjord Task Force Grebe during exercise Oslofjord Innsatsstyrke Polar Bear VI i samarbeid med Politiet under øvelse Oslofjord Task Force Polar Bear IV in cooperation with the police during exercise Oslofjord Innsatsstyrke Bundle under...
  6. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Dutch recon, Finnish regulars and Norwegian Mech infantry Telemark Battalion during joint NATO operation Cold Response. A Dutch Fennek reconnaissance unit is waiting not far from the front lines during Cold Response 2009 A tolvsju-gunner from the Telemark Battalion trainer Rena...
  7. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Bilder fra det norske bidraget til MINURCAT II i Tsjad under ettableringsperioden for feltsykehuset. Norwegian medical team during UN mission MINURCAT II in Chad.
  8. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    En røykdykker under havariøvelse om bord på fregatten Otto Sverdrup på vei til Svalbard Damage control exercise aboard the frigate Otto Sverdrup underway to Spitsbergen Matroser og befal på KNM Fridtjof Nansen trener sanitet under opptrening til oppdraget ved østkysten av Afrika...
  9. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Skilt som advarer om skytefelt i området Et JAS Gripen jagerfly på Bodø Hovedflystasjon under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 F16 fra demonstrasjonen på Setermoen skytefelt under vinterøvelsen Cold response 2009 Sikte i CV90 Stormoanservogn CV9030 fra Telemark bataljon i...
  10. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Den franske fregatten D`Estienne seiler foran KV Andenes under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 Stridsbåt 90 båter foran kystvaktfartøyet KV Andenes under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 Kystvaktskipet KV Andenes blir bordet av US Navy SEAL utenfor Harstad under vinterøvelsen Cold...
  11. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Soldat fra den danske Livgarden. Vognfører fra Telemarkbataljonen under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 SISU fra Telemarkbataljonen under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 Finske soldater under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 En svensk jagerflyger med night vision goggles foran...
  12. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Matros heiser flagget på fregatten KNM Roald Amundsen Vakt mannskaper ombord på KNM Roald Amundsen Uniflote oversettingsmatriell under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009 Danske soldater foran Norske Bell 412 SP helikoptre fra 720 skvadronen under vinterøvelsen Cold Response 2009...
  13. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Kapteinløytnant Espen Johnsen ved periskopet på ubåten KNM Uthaug, S 304 Norske vaktsoldater på Keflavikbasen under detasjementet Icelandic Air Policing and Surveillance Mission Norske teknikkere sjekker F-16 flyene både før og etter flyturer på Keflavikbasen under detasjementet...
  14. SvenSvensonov

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Forsvaret Dykkere fra Heimevernet under øvelse Oslofjord Innsatsstyrke Grebe under øvelse Oslofjord Innsatsstyrke Polar Bear VI i samarbeid med Politiet under øvelse Oslofjord Innsatsstyrke Bundle under øvelse Oslofjord Hans Majestet Kongens Garde øver sammen med andre...
  15. SvenSvensonov

    Micro stories - small news bits too small to have their own thread

    An Aluminum Plate After a 6,700 mph Collision With a Grain of Sand According to Gravity, space debris causes untold damage to spacecraft—and space agencies do indeed spend a lot of time testing materials they put into orbit. This image shows what happens when a sand grain-sized piece of...
  16. SvenSvensonov

    Team USA

    lighter = more darker = less Map shows where UFO sightings are seen the most in the USA Here’s a really fun map that plots out where UFO sightings are seen the most across the US of A.Made by John Nelson of IDV Solutions, it shows where sightings are seen the most in relation to the area’s...
  17. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    Saturn's Massive Phoebe Ring is Even Larger Than Previously Thought Saturn’s Massive Phoebe Ring is Even Larger Than Previously Thought « AmericaSpace Saturn is truly the “Lord of the Rings” and one of the most majestic places in the Solar System. It’s massive ring system is well-known, but...
  18. SvenSvensonov


    Here mostly: US Space Program - a thread | Page 4 Where have you been (apart from in a different timezone)?
  19. SvenSvensonov

    7 natural sleep inducers to help you sleep at night

    Step 1 - get a girlfriend Step 2 - :bunny::bunny::bunny: Step 3 - :sleep: Repeat daily for maximum benefits :partay: :o: US Space Program - a thread :close_tema: :lol: Touche :D
  20. SvenSvensonov

    US Space Program - a thread

    ’Repackage Our Margin’ More than two decades have passed since one of the most spectacular EVA missions in U.S. history: the long-awaited first servicing of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Launched in April 1990, the $1.5 billion observatory was the jewel in NASA’s scientific crown, but...
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