Could say same about any vehicle.
Going by your logic. Infantry are vulnerable to small arms, artillery, drones, aircraft, attack helicopters, missiles, knives, rocks and getting run over by vehicles. I could go on.
Modi and Rss "s##tflakes" thought Trump was gonna destroy Pakistan. But after talking to IK, Trump listened to Pakistan. Modi failed to make a positive impression on Trump, despite being an Uncle Tom.
Weekend saw moderate snowfalls in Kashmir. India troops camped all along Pakistan and China border. I dont feel sorry for them because their happy to be there for Modi:p:
Trump was hard on India, but they are white worshipers. Hence still like him.
When Trump came to power, Indians were expecting him to crush Pakistan. Only action was withdrawal of aid and that was it.
When Trump got elected in 2016, Modi the idiot banned notes. Saw world was distracted by...
Low lying island at mouth of delta. Seems like a bad investment. It will damage local fisheries if massive land reclamation happens. Importantly area exposed to bad weather. Better to keep it as an island that is a buffer to storm surges.
Hydrogen has a huge market in UK. The natural gas infrastructure can handle transporting hydrogen gas. Already ideas to mix more hydrogen and natural gas for consumers.
People have paid for private in uk. I doubt they would pay if nhs results were valid.
Situation has changed now want covid test results after 5th oct. Not sure if nhs results are valid, they only send a text detailing results. They do mention full name and date of birth on text, so that might make it valid evidence.
Trying to be polite, but most of this thread is garbage. Very little information about military situation. I understand people are free to speak their minds, just some of you need to think before you post. Mainly aimed at honourable members that are saying "Pakistan should get more active in...
"Pakistan makes coronavirus tests mandatory for international travellers"
Is this true? Uncle going in less two weeks on British Airways, so has plenty of time to get...