hence the big belly generals
i just love one law here where i live
any officer who ever the rank
has to have a fitness certificate even 3 months
6 min a mile and wht not
why do u think
and do u think china doing us a favor
or they are just being good businessmen
and who do u think paying for all this stuff
i m leaving alote of questions for u
if pakistan gets its act together we can double our grain production over one years time
best seed
best pesticide
better usage of water
government tightening on water distribution and plantations
see results
i suggest army make a division to promote this effort
plus we need to import some...
anyone who has been in any negotiations will know far more then ones making decisions right now
i must say indians are excellent with that skill just one specific factory in surat produce more jewelry and diamonds then the whole country of pakistan.owner of that factory once called me and told...