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    Hindutva Terror in India

    Good one Brother, I share the same angst as you against these organised religions and this evangalism **** by promising some heaven...
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    Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

    Mostly I only view the discussions... but only if you are there it happens for me to log in especially to thank you...
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    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    I am not saying that we should worry, but atleast we should not be hand in glove of genocide of Srilankan Tamils. If they are being butchered by Srilankans atleast don't side with them. Don't give me the crap that LTTE killed our former PM Rajiv Gandhi. He deserves it so well because of...
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    Secular India is a myth

    Bloody Idiot, lie when you know the truth, no Hindu would say he/she will not drink Cow's milk. Hindus do not want cow's to be slaughtered because they DO DRINK COW's MILK.
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    Now Possible to Drive Cars between India & Sri Lanka

    You certainly don't know how the states are organised in India... States in India are formed based on LANGUAGE... Gujrat was also formed and named after the State's official language... So just STFU about your name choosing in tribal fashion... and for your information I am a kannadiga...
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    Now Possible to Drive Cars between India & Sri Lanka

    so Gujrat where Gujrati is spoken is tribal ? So Bihar where Bihari is spoken is tribal ? Himachal Pradesh were Himachali is spoken is tribal ? Idiot, first get to know about India and then come and talk your BS... And for your information in Andhra Pradesh, where Telugu is the official...
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    Pakistan Leads South Asia in Innovation Efficiency

    dude you have no freaking idea about IT field and you certainly haven't seen the depth and breadth of work being offshored to Indian software companies.... Just to give a sample Microsoft's whole windows XP is here in India. And it surely takes a lot of hardwork, and it takes a lot of trust on...
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    Shot/Injured SSG Soldier......... Must watch.

    thanks for the explanation of surrender... I am sure PA had never surrendered during any war....
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    Dwarka : Myth or reality?

    yep, I am still at a loss to understand how he came to conclusions about IVC people ate beef... see what kind of hatred they have... they claim IVC people ate beef just to distance Indians from claiming to be a part of that civilization.... hmmm.... sick...
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    Dwarka : Myth or reality?

    please prove that IVC people ate beef...
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    Telugu is spoken in Hydrabad in Andhra Pradesh, perhaps you are confused...
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    Pakistan - "2" Satellites to be launched not just 1

    So you guys are now just 20 years behind India ? :taz::taz: :flame::flame::flame: just kidding...
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    Anglo-Indian involved in PNS Mehran attack: DNA report

    The news source is rupee news :lol::lol::lol:
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    Destroying Myth of Indian Indengious Weapons Capability

    The are lot of MUSLIMS who are Dravidians also have skinny/plumpy black a$$es.
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    India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

    Nope the issue is just the issue of bribes and cheating ... nothing more, nothing less...
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    India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

    The issue is not about the acceptance of missionaries in India... they are accepted very well unless they get involved in acts of forgery...
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    India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

    You misunderstood it is not JUST christians.... as I said law is same for tom, dick and harry.... irrespective of religion in secular countries...
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    India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

    It is crystal clear, let me repeat it money for conversion == bribe and hence == illegitimate.... conversion without bribe == legitimate I am not pretending about anything... but for your benefit about whether money can buy anything or not ... money can buy almost anything in this WORLD...
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    India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

    I don't understand your post, you think people who commit FORGERY are innocent (let them be Christians/Hindus/Muslims/ or whatever religion they belong to) ? remember conversion by BRIBING is forgery and it is a criminal offence in India...
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