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  1. Night_Fury

    Egypt Golden Parade: Lessons for Pakistan

    No, History isn't to make money, but if you found a way to make money out of it, then suddenly everyone becomes interested in it. as the saying goes "money makes the mare go". and Tourism is a huge industry to make money from, Egypt are intelligent to invest in this big show, they'll get huge...
  2. Night_Fury

    Egypt Golden Parade: Lessons for Pakistan

    In my humble opinion, it’s all linked to their economic value, and this show is all marketing tactics... people travel to Egypt, pay money to see these Pharos (mummies). soo, let’s do an elegant show (Hollywood style) to market them to the world. With this show, even people like me (who are...
  3. Night_Fury

    Are You Ready Folks ! It's That Time of The Year ! Pakistan Day fly-past rehearsals

    My thoughts exactly, I really wish for our own JF17 B to do this flypass with the PAF Boss... It would send a great message globally ...
  4. Night_Fury

    Are You Ready Folks ! It's That Time of The Year ! Pakistan Day fly-past rehearsals

    “I strongly oppose PAF F16 demo/acrobatics flying for Pakistan.” Explanation of my statement: I believe that F16 is a strategic asset for Pakistan. A simple fly past is more than enough. We should do the demo/acrobatics for JF-17 as it is our product, and we can do demo / acrobatics to show the...
  5. Night_Fury

    Logo of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) - the only logo it ever had

    Official or not, Markhor was the ultimate logo for isi.... further still, the old golden logo is still better than the new green one... i'd say, Who cares about the official logo, for us the love and respect we have with the markhor logo, that'll remain same....
  6. Night_Fury

    Featured Depressing And Despicable History Of The Indian Air Force.

    I just noticed that Mr Munje downed 2 jets and reasons seems pilot error. I wonder if they gave him a third jet to fly. Wg Cdr Siddharth Vishwas Munje 30 Apr 09: pilot inadvertantly switched 14 Oct 14: Premature Ejection on approach
  7. Night_Fury

    Pray for Lt Yazdan for speedy recovery

    May Allah Pak bless him health and quick recovery. aameen. We the Pakistani nation all forever in debt of these brave sons of Pakistan, we are forever in debt to all the brave sons who gave their lives for the sovereignty of Pakistan. Today we have our country, freedom, safety in all aspects...
  8. Night_Fury

    The F-16's Replacement Won’t Have a Pilot at All

    Wasn't it called skynet in the movie "terminator 2". :-)
  9. Night_Fury

    Featured USAF F-16 crashed at Hollowman airbase in New Mexico

    Sad to hear this news.. but i believe its the 7th or 8th fighter jet crash in the past few months...
  10. Night_Fury

    Major Military Operation Required in Baluchistan and North Waziristan

    very well said brother, atleast you think... my heart bleeds for our brothers becoming shaheed.... why don't the top people think of these options... why are they not doing anything...
  11. Night_Fury

    6 Including Major Martyred Near Turbat in IED Attack

    inna lillahe wa inna elahe rajiyoon.... my heart bleeds, my brain hurts... is the blood of our soldiers so cheep... the ISPR just makes an announcement once or twice every month... like its just a routine matter.... why not launch a full fledge response to teach whoever did this a lesson, why...
  12. Night_Fury

    Uri shelling: Two army men succumb to injuries

    why does indian army keep doing this. what do they achieve out of this ?
  13. Night_Fury

    Pakistan Army Aviation Mushshak crashed in Jalalpur Jattan, Gujarat

    Inna lillahe wa inna elahe rajiyoon... May Allah Pak raise the darjaat of the shaheed... The heart always sinks on the news of shahadat of sons of Pakistan. May Allah pak keep all soldiers safe. aameen.
  14. Night_Fury

    Arnab Goswami Insulting Indian Muslims

    This Joker Arnab has been made fun of all over the world. He is a shame for Journalism globally.
  15. Night_Fury

    4 military personnel martyred during operation on militant hideout in North Waziristan: ISPR

    May Allah Pak bless highest place in Jannat to all these beloved and brave sons of Pakistan. It is always with the heaviest heart that we read such news and we think what could have been done better so they would have been "ghazi". No doubt that "shahadat" is the wish of every muslim. but these...
  16. Night_Fury

    Pakistan Day 2020 l PAF rehearsals

    absolutely mesmerizing..... Mashallah.
  17. Night_Fury

    Rafale Half-A-Generation Ahead Of Chinese and Pakistanis Jets: Former IAF Chief BS Dhanoa

    because they put cow dung and cow urine on it, its 1/2 generation ahead already. :omghaha:... next they'll mix cow urine in the jet fuel and it'll be full 1 generation ahead. ha ha ha ha... :omghaha::laughcry:
  18. Night_Fury

    covered with cow dung wins first prize in a car competition

    Fill the air bags with cow dung for added protection too. :D
  19. Night_Fury

    Active PAF Squadrons and Inventory

    why are we sharing such information here, on a public forum? i believe even if someone knows anything or has seen anything, it is not to be shared publicly. In my humble opinion, we all share the responsibility to protect our homeland on all fronts and in all ways possible.
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