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  1. ViXuyen

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    the Malaysian need to stop wasting our time. If they know anything, tell us. If they are suspecting of anything, tell us. Are we really searching in the area that we are supposed to search? Tell us. Stop witholding information and wasting everyone's search effort. Malaysia, are we really...
  2. ViXuyen

    Tired of China, afraid of Thailand, Japanese capital heading for Vietnam

    More jobs for Viet Nam means more GDP growth
  3. ViXuyen

    The world's safest airlines - JACDEC SAFETY RANKING 2013

    I don't care if the creditbility is from the word of a Gospel or whatever org but if you believe flying in an older aircraft is safer than flying in a newer aircraft, be my guest.
  4. ViXuyen

    The world's safest airlines - JACDEC SAFETY RANKING 2013

    That's a joke, airlines that operate old fleet are ranked much higher than airlines that operate new fleet?
  5. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    Their "blitzkrieg" was to march to Ha Noi in 1 day in the 1979 war. We all know how that went about:sleep:
  6. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    Rubbish, the U.S is not God but they're way ahead of you souper bowa. Viet Nam does not need to spend a fortune to build up a deterence against you guys. Our future anti-air in the next 5-10 years will be based on the S-400, S-350E Vityaz, and the Su-35. I'm willing to bet that the IRBIS-E...
  7. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    Relax chinamen, if the U.S can sell Viet Nam the nuke reactors, they can start selling us weapons in the future.
  8. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    In 1644, just the navy of Nguyen Lord hammered a fleet of the Dutch in one battle near Thuan An. The warships of the Tay Son in the 1790's could mount 66 cannons on them; a feat could only be rivaled by the Europeans at that time. The Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan did not sue for "trade" with...
  9. ViXuyen

    China says military will respond to provocations

    So ..............scary:sleep:
  10. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

  11. ViXuyen

    Zimbabwe adopts Chinese yuan as legal currency

    If I have U.S dollars, I know that I can buy Boeing aircrafts with that green bag. If I have Chinese Yuan, what can I buy?????????
  12. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    The only official info that we have so far is the contract for $668 million dollars for 2 ships. Other than that, we don't have any official info when the ships will be built. The first one or two will be built in Netherlands with the possibility that any more Sigma ship will be built in Viet...
  13. ViXuyen

    Russia Seeks Several Military Bases Abroad – Defense Minister

    If you are friendly to everyone, you will not have a true friend because no one will trust you; period. No offense but only stupid Viets (especially those at trai tim viet nam) would believe Russia is a friend of Viet Nam. The reality is that Russia is just a gun dealer trying to sell weapons...
  14. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    That's the version for Viet Nam. Here is the video about the Oto Melara gun on the Sigma; it is an awesome gun
  15. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

  16. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Here is the model of the KN-series ship. They are underconstruction in Hai Phong
  17. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Not $120 but still $100 million a piece about 9 years ago F-15K Slam Eagle Anti-air missile is there to stay, they are more economical and effective than fighters. A huge network of highly mobile SAM sites, inflatable decoys, and electronic equipment that send out decoy signals is a deadly...
  18. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

  19. ViXuyen

    President Barack Obama on Monday approved a civilian nuclear pact with Vietnam

    Almost all the words in this poem are in native Viet; highly advanced native Viet vocabs. This poem can't be written in Hanzi but I think it can be written in Chu Nom:o:
  20. ViXuyen

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    F-15 is way too expensive and the cost does not justify it. The Korean bought 60 of those at $120 million/piece is outright robbery. Viet Nam is better off with one battalion of S-300 with 6 launchers for $120 million or 1 su-35 and 1 su-30 for $120 million than 1 F-15 for $120 million
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