China have already exported more than 700 millions doses of vaccine,more than 50% of the vaccine in the whole world is produced by china. vietnamese take it or not doesn't change that much. The west is just jealous of china..too jealous.
When chinese media critize incompetence of western politician handling of covid-19,they say it is misinformation,lie blahblah. The VOA reporter even get attcked just because they look like reporter from china. DW,VOA and BBC are anti-china sinophobic propaganda machine,they should be thankful...
USA rely on foreign Scientists too much. USA is slowly turning into another big brazil or mexico,few foreign top scientists couldn't change that. Local dumbs in USA would start asking more and more money from those elites,and it will bring the USA down.
US will try to sanction Xiaomi again very soon. They are getting madder and madder at china day by day. I hope xiaomi realize that and prepare for the incoming sanction as soon as possible.
China have began belt and road almost 10 years before, now finally the west try to copycat china? where is the creativity the west always brag about? Nothing will be achieved by these clown countries unless they outsourcing their projects to chinese companies considering their productivity...
USA is collapsing,only fools could not see... China should not to aim only for surpass USA, china should aim to surpass the whole west world, I see no point to brag about surpassing a collapsing country like USA..
Who need your trust? Who are you to begin with? We don't need trust come from lapdog of USA or our enemy, no point to do that,we need hatred from your kind,cuz that prove we are doing the right things.
Everyone else except USA should act according to the rules which made by USA, or the alternative is war. Is this a war threat? How he can forget the failed 20 years of war in the afghanistan so quickly is beyond my imagination. LOL.