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  1. I

    Afghan Province Awards Trump Bravery Medal After Talk on Pakistan

    Probably some government official organized this. Most afghans hate usa. These warlords need the dollar stream to continue and they will kiss a donkey's a** for it let alone trump's. We should see through the propaganda and keep helping our afghan brothers. If would be unwise to detest afghans...
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    Why Pakistan won't share intelligence with the US

    Is America sharing intelligence with us? Don't they have intelligence about terrorists striking Pakistan who are roaming free in Afghanistan? Why is ISIS gaining foothold in Afghanistan? Isn't America responsible for it? Why don't we ask the questions? Atleast we should make a point about it....
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    Army chief says will call Pakistan’s nuclear ‘bluff’, cross border if govt asks

    Its will be dangerous if he keeps repeating this 'bluff' theory. Indians will come to believe it and 'bluff' theory will be accepted as a fact. Indians will obviously want their army then to call this bluff. Risky business I would say, saying things like that.
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    “Nobody had taken more bad guys off the battlefield than the Pakistanis.”

    He should have taken some views of former isi officials as well to write a balanced article. Seems like a one-sided story.
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    Meet Me I am Deputy Dirctor ISI Umer Sajid Shaheed

    RIP....May Allah accept his shahadat and may he stand alongside shuhuda of Badr...
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    Russia Knows Perpetrators of Attack on its Syrian Bases, It's Not Turkey - Putin

    Its good that Putin cleared it was not Turkey. Many respectable analysts were suspecting Turkey along with other possibilities. I think the coup attempt in Turkey was a blessing for Russia as it brought them together. MBS and his mentor in UAE are pests destroying the Muslim world.
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    A leaked fottage Shows How USA is killing Afghan civilians

    If by any means you find yourselves scratching your heads over why Afghan Taliban are gaining more territory, remember this video and be at ease.
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    Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

    Expect a relentless hybrid war against pakistan from now on. Here's the reason: Pakistan's decision to accept yuan for denominating foreign currency transactions is a huge blow to the dollar. Although we are not a big economic power but this is a significant step in the gradual process of yuan...
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    People for sale. Where lives are auctioned for $400

    Some other arguments can also be given as to how bad it was then. But is it better now or worse?
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    People for sale. Where lives are auctioned for $400

    This story presents the picture of their 'liberation'. A good indicator of the success of another western intervention is the fact that people argue whether libya was worse under gaddafi or better off.
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    Trump divulged to Russia details of a daring Israeli raid in Syria — report

    Israel provides medical treatment to militants in Syria. An Israeli think tank also adviced to go easy on Islamic State because it was weakening Israeli enemies. Israel has also bombed Syrian forces fighting al-qaeda militants in golan heights and has never once bombed the militants controlling...
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    Usa General Confirms We will go into Pakistan for Insurgents.. Wow

    Host seems to be Tajik. Tajiks are joining Taliban insurgency in the north as a result of Afghan Taliban's military strategy. Local commanding positions are given to Tajiks in their area of operations. Lets see where the "stalemate a.k.a if we don't win neither do you" takes us.
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    TTP releases new message

    It seems he is feeling the heat....his backers are not doing a good job scripting his statements. It seems they want themselves to be seen the same way as Al-Nusra Front (or whatever they are called now) in Syria a.k.a moderate rebels. Seems desperate; hopefully nearing his end (Inshallah).
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    No good news for Pakistan in US new Afghan policy

    I am sure Americans knew and had an eye for these mineral resources when they came to Afghanistan. The official line was always 'freedom, democracy, human rights' etc. That is how imperial powers operate - by wrapping up real objectives in dreamy ideals. Why they are making these thoughts...
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    The Trump White House's War Within

    Mr. Prince of formerly Blackwater is lobbying to convince Trump to send mercenaries in Afghanistan. Trump, being a businessman is reported to be interested in rare earth metals inside Afghanistan. A business interest as well as sending mercenaries is better than regular troop surge as mercenary...
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    Why China can bark but can't bite?

    'Sikkim is the only segment of the border with China where India enjoys military superiority', so may be they are trying to neutralize it. May they want to develop that region and give an option to Bhutan to link up and end sole dependence on India; Bhutanese like any other nation would want...
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    Why China can bark but can't bite?

    Another thing worth figuring out is why India chose to get involved in SCS dispute, it has nothing to do in that part of the world....
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    Why China can bark but can't bite?

    China maintains good economic relations with countries it has disputes e.g. Japan, Vietnam, South Korea etc. US is apparently very concerned about SCS but Trump and Xi just pledged to further enhance mutual economic relations(also remember Jack Ma promising a million jobs?). Chinese spin a...
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    Why China can bark but can't bite?

    Trolling can be satisfying. But what is India's long term strategy here? Read here China's understanding of long-term US strategy of Dollar domination and China's counter-strategy - thesaker.is/pla-strategist-the-u-s-uses-its-dollar-to-dominate-the-world/. It shows Chinese long-term planning...
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    Megyn Kelly One-on-One with Russian President Vladimir Putin

    The scale and extent of American propaganda is mind-boggling.
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