Pederasty is old... ancient Romans and Greeks practiced it.
It's shameful, and something Pakistan and Afghanistan need to work on.
THAT SAID... I doubt it's more than 1% of the population that practices it.
What's this? Who's this guy? Can you tell me more?
No. ANA/Northern Alliance appears to be hostile to Pakistan, but Afghanistan is not necessarily an enemy. That's the thing.. it's heading in the wrong direction, but to label the same way we'd label India is disingenuous.
Having said that...
This is not exactly a problem isolated to India. Underemployment has plagued many people all over the world. The good days of the boomers, where a monkey could be in charge of anything, are gone.
What a gay. CPEC Will save us!
Get real... this is classic overpromising. Don't expect it to be super cheap either. Ie i don't know how true this $5B a year max thing is.
Exactly. People underestimate how much of a role girls play in attracting the guy to begin with.
My advice is as follows: if you like someone, make it known soon. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. At least if it's known soon, and it doesn't work, the problem is solved quickly. If you...
Wrong. Lighter skin can make more Vitamin D. Oh... it also looks better (very advantageous from evolutionary perspective), especially in regions full of dark indian looking people. The dark indian skin is nasty. Make peace with that. You wouldn't be buying fair and lovely all day long if this...
So no sources. That's what I thought.
As for parties... yeah I'm decent fun at them. I just usually step aside if bhangra is ever played. Usually if that happens, pajis with turbans appear out of nowhere (from a mist of smoke) and start doing their choreographed dances to it. Once the music...
You need to read history, instead of believing propaganda. They did not get along fine. Do you have a source to prove that it was some rogue elements withing rancid's army? Please cite. This should be interesting.
I don't know. This is a question I can't answer. They even hate Pakistani...
You should. When rancid singh started off, entire villages in Indian Punjab were cleared of Muslims. Wiped out.
In what is now Pakistani Punjab, they treated Muslims like absolute filth. Desecrated mosques, killed them. Badshahi mosque was turned into a horse stable.
Sikh punjabis treated...
I used to have a Canadian Indian friend. He is now an enemy. However, that cockroach was a compulsive liar. He was not intelligent, not competent, just a liar. An expert liar with no brain. He thought he was really good at lying, too. 99% of the time I played along because that faggerjot seemed...
Any details on this? There appears to be a data center, and space for companies. Data center can be useful, no doubt. But other than that, I worry it'll be empty space, with a handful of companies.
Hope I'm wrong.
Indians are probably laughing at us. We're paying so much attention to pip squeek Afghanistan. Let ISI handle it. Afghanistan is not a major concern. Indiots though, are. Only because they outnumber us.
Any source?
Is it possible the closed borders were harming exports?
I do agree Afghanistan isn't necessarily friendly. Not sure i think it's as bad a decision as everyone is saying, but yes, i don't trust Afghanistan. Any terror attack in the future stemming from them will be serious.
Kabul unfortunately ended up in the wrong hands. A lot of the ANA types ended up with power, and this has resulted in the Tawwwwwwwwwjiks trying hard to beat the war drums. The only end result of that will be Pashtun vs Pashtun battle... and it's fairly obvious that the Pakistani side is a lot...