i think jubulani balls are heavily criticised by the footballers, the high players of spanish team criticised it..
the author seem to miss this point..
we dont announce punishment for 1 day and keep them for 30 years..
and we dont return bodies of visitors in cascade, when a person didnt even comit any crime
makes perfect sense
after all the terrorist fugitive is being protected in afghanistan given a sanctuary, while innocents are dying in drone attacks..
these americans need arse beating for their poor job there..
i strongly recommend opposition party to hold trial against the mukti awami terrorists.. next time they come to power and kick their bharati arse out..
the smugglers bring drugs from afghanistan into pakistan, this smuggling process should be stopped.
iranians effort to stop cross border smuggling from afghanistan should serve as an ideal..
pakistan has become from no drug country to a drug addicted country, u can see charsis in the night...