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    Iranian Space program

    The IRGC lifts off : Implications of Iran's satellite launch https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/uploads/Documents/pubs/PolicyNote84Nadimiv3.pdf
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Iran Making Long-Range Aerial Cruise Missile: Defense Minister https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/08/21/2332234/iran-making-long-range-aerial-cruise-missile-defense-minister
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Iran to Unveil New Naval Air Defense Gear: Defense Minister https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/08/25/2335526/iran-to-unveil-new-naval-air-defense-gear-defense-minister
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    Now : Hizbollah -Israel clashes

    Hezbollah didn't announce anything. Zionists said they thwarted a hezbollah operation unfortunately this operation wont deter futur Zionist attacks on Hezbollah members in Syria just like the precedent one
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    Now : Hizbollah -Israel clashes

    It seems a failed operation by Hezbollah
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    Two possibilities : UAE or Egypt with the help of UAE
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    Turkey launches national auto industry with electric-car factory

    Good luck for our Turkish brothers
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Well said
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    Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

    Several dhows on fire
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Yes, Russians are unreliable
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Israel Will Never Let Iran Improve Syria’s Decrepit Air Defenses https://www.forbes.com/sites/pauliddon/2020/07/10/israel-will-never-let-iran-upgrade-syrias-decrepit-air-defenses/#5af32f36357d
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    Long-Planned and Bigger Than Thought: Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Program

    This paragraph depicts how Iran Lost deterrence after Soleimani killing While some American officials expressed fears that the killing of General Suleimani would lead Iran to initiate a war against the United States, the C.I.A. director, Gina Haspel, reassured them that the Iranians would...
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    Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

    If true then a catastrophic intelligence failure is happening in Iran
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    Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

    there are two possibilities disinformation or Flagrant incompetence There is no evidence of a parallel covert nuclear program and the nature of nuclear activities makes them extremely difficult to hide for a long time
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    Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

    Elsewhere in the interview, Kamalvandi noted that the damaged shed housed measuring equipment and precision tools, part of which was destroyed in the incident and another part was damaged. The damaged equipment cannot be used anymore in view of the work they do, even if the incident had taken...
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