Thanks for guiding sir . Yes definitely , it would be the only for state and not just trapping but all the severe measures that are to be taken for my country's well being and those too by the rules and code of conduct given to me by those in charge . Thanks again .
what is the right hand...
You seriously lack level of intellect. I bold typed words at the end, to read and understand rather than jumping to conclusions about someone's character.
You can read my post below , just to give you a demo bro , I am not making this the ultimate thing and only way to do espionage , it's a last option , when all doors seem closed .
Thanks a lot . I really appreciate it. Just a last question You said War , what if it's peace time , and let's make up a scenario that I try to trap an IA officers wife to get info on something relating to the security of my nation and country , will it still be zina ? . You can take example of...
Thanks for quoting . You are the first person who understood what i asked .
so is it permissible as i mentioned , seducing someone and taking it one step ahead , just to get something out of your enemy , for espionage , is it still zina ?