Rf seeker means much more range in my book.
Hmm intresting, Looks like we make a sectioned the long range missile project. I think C project is siper B project is Hisar-U , A ise Hisar Gums.
İn there two option if we make a new radar seeker for siper;
1- Missile will have much more range...
How about Kuzgun ? I think that ammo will be very famous in the near future. Just because his potentional is very high. I mean he have very high guide and warhead alternatives he have good cost and good range. I'm seeing him a future claws of a turkish war machine.
But we can use him on the...
- Amraam c-7'den bahsediyorsan evet doğru çünkü muhtemelen onunda akti radar başlığı 60 km civarı bir şey. Oda mid course'a kadar rf datalink ile gidiyor ve sonra aktif radarını açıp pitbull oluyor. 105 km+ menzili var. İşte bende o ihtimalden bahsettim . Dedimki gökdoğanın menzili gayri resmi...
So we can think that ;
Gökdoğan have rf datalink because he have fire and update capability. Also Gökdoğan have fire and forget capability thats mean he have 65 km ranged active radar seeker. Without he he cant be able the capabilty of fire and forget. we can think göktuğ is clone of amraam...
I have a question and I'm waitng yours help about him bro's
Turkish : Savaş uçaklarında daha büyük burun konili uçakların daha büyük radarlar taşıyıp daha yüksek menzile sahip olabildiği gibi Füzelerdeki aktif radar arayıcı başlığın menzili'de çap büyüdükçe ve başlık genişledikce artıyor mu ...
When we last hear this modernization denied by tsk just for his weight reduce the tank mobility. On the other hand after the modernization tank can be penetrated by modern tanks and cant penetrate modern tanks due for his old cannon. Without engine replacment this tanks with leo 1's are...
Also we can launch him from tcg anadolu. But maybe we must modify anadolu's runway
Look thats ww2 tech catapult we dont need any nuclear reactor for that ;
They are launch with him akıncı/ new supersonic baykar ucav sized, weighted and thrusted aircraft.
Also ucav's can land aircraft...
Just a question ; Just a Refit a F-16 body to stealth body very hard than makeing a 5 th gen fighter from zero ?
That isnt be like F-35 stealth level. İf we reduce rcs of f-16 less than 100 km detectable , we have 100+ km ranged aim-120c-7 and kgk series, som etc. we can make fire and forget...
First our göktuğ missiles have fire and forget mode so they can done his jobs without help of any other radar only on 65 km range with help of active radar seeker. And of course you must be guide him before the launch about target.
Second we have sm-1 Mr. I'm just saying just intagrate to...
I dont think raytheon is a problem about this idea bro. İf Raytheon knowledge required Iran can not modernize his sm-1 missiles to sayyad's. On the other hand if raytheon is a problem even we cannot change the fire control radar of essm on the barbaros mlu with mar-d radar.
Actually if we look...
İf siper will come 2-3 years later. Why we cant try a add gökdoğan radar seeker and rf receiver to sm-1 mr's and enlarge his range with one of the 4 boosters of the nike hercules ? Sm-1 mr can be workable smart-s mk2 , akr fcs, mar-d and genesis.
Command control and radar not problem , just...
Best Solution for SolveTank Crissis
Symptoms :
+ Germoney dont give us Engine .
+ We cannot build our own 1500 hp engine
+ 1200-1300 hp class not fit current altay tank and does not enough to pull tank with current weight.
Solution :
1- Generate...