Not that I know much and neither I am advocating for TVC :-). However, I think TVC is not just to show Cobra (or stalling in any other scenario) maneuvers. You could vector while moving at good speed to cut down angles or increase them specially being tailed or tailing , especially one on one...
My thought is that if we are indeed getting russian engines on J10C, then they may be older used J10C and that will also explain how we can foot the bill. I don't think for our need the higher thrust is the only deciding factor from performance perspective.
could also be something high endurance under water. I am just speculating now :-). I need to be restrained... Unlike Mr. Taimi Khan I say less because I don't know much not because I know :P
I still only merely lurk around to learn. I don't myself have a defense background, but being a history buff defence definitely plays some decisive roles and it peaks my interests. Welcome.
Is tanga considered automobile sir? I drive a Tesla and of course a truck for my off-road adventures(driven Audi, bmws, merz etc). I hardly get the opportunity to test any handling though. I bet I can't take my Tesla, for my hunting trips. I might be able to take a tanga though... We sometime...
I wonder why they did not consider 6.8 as a caliber. Something close to like this.
slightly more sleeker bullet profile will help greatly with ballistics
My point exactly. You cannot solve this with one dimensional approach. There needs to be tough line but also venues where TTP folks can be disarmed and brought back into mainstream. So making a deal isn't bad as long as it is made from the position of strength.
Would you like to quote some of those here for reference :-). Because i don't remember supporting any of this. Clearly your line of logical thinking does not lend well to a reasonable argument.