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  1. sady

    2 explosions rock Air Force-operated area of Jammu airport, nearby air bases on high alert

    Looks bogus. If there was significant blast to break even the iron bars on roof, the blast and smoke should have blackened the walls. I am sure this hole cannot be made by a small munition with kinetic energy alone. Walls are cleaner than my home walls.
  2. sady

    Jat,Rajput,Arain,Awan,Gujjar percentage in Pakistani Punjab

    Gujjars have a language called Gojri. No other caste has its own language. It makes them not a caste but a 'qaum' . Spreading from Rajasthan to Central asia where they also picked up regional languages. In India even Jats are in OBCs.
  3. sady

    Featured CENTCOM : Iran possesses one of most capable militaries in the Middle East

    Iranians have done well, considering it is still relatively peaceful for its citizens inside its borders and none of foreign Governments could foment long lasting trouble. Even if they might have needed Iran to act as counter balance for their ME policy. The fact that it is able to reach its...
  4. sady

    Enough is enough — Pakistan not happy with Afghan Taliban

    AT are going to be next rulers of Afghanistan. Pakistan already has little control over how things will unfold now in Afghanistan. Be nice to them than trying to micro managing them. They already dislike you. Don't make another unnecessary enemy. Don't over reach your leverage and goodwill.
  5. sady

    A tale of two Talibans

    I think this is very accurate description of the matter.
  6. sady

    The Turkic Council, 2040 Vision: Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world'

    This has a great potential. However all three US/China/Russia will work against this development.
  7. sady

    Massive fortifications in Delhi

    What better way to cement you are not welcome in India. It isn't just the pull but push that results in same displacement, and Indian state is doing a remarkable job of pushing Sikhs and farmers away. They might not enter Delhi however next phase of battles will be played in all streets of...
  8. sady

    A detailed reply to Michael Kugelman.

    With Alqaeda settling in Pakistans tribal areas by planning of US bombing, only choice Pakistan had to allow US direct boots on ground in Tribal areas(which was US ultimate plan) , destroying any semblance of sovereignty or take them on ourselves to maintain some control over the areas. Only...
  9. sady

    Dear Pakistan Army and ISI; Your Enemies No Longer Hold Rifles Or Wear Uniforms

    I read concepts of satanism and then read modern humanism. As well us history of how Christianity became irrelevant in most of West. You see a pattern of how from God focus changed to man. There is congruence. Now labelling it as conspiracy theory is standard response and confirmation bias as...
  10. sady

    Dear Pakistan Army and ISI; Your Enemies No Longer Hold Rifles Or Wear Uniforms

    Islam still spreads in US for a reason however I feel opposition to Islam being dominant factor in public/government domain will increase from today's baseline. Opinion makers and pressure groups in media and elsewhere will make Islam in public space a taboo, if social engineering efforts aren't...
  11. sady

    Dear Pakistan Army and ISI; Your Enemies No Longer Hold Rifles Or Wear Uniforms

    Exactly. Humanism is actually sugar coated Satanism. In Satanism stress is not to worship satan but man itself. Similar principles of Humanism.
  12. sady

    Dear Pakistan Army and ISI; Your Enemies No Longer Hold Rifles Or Wear Uniforms

    Humanism is sugar coated Satanism. In Satanism, Satan doesn't ask to be worshipped but man to worship himself.
  13. sady

    Dear Pakistan Army and ISI; Your Enemies No Longer Hold Rifles Or Wear Uniforms

    This is social engineering. Within 30 to 50 year religion in Pakistan will not be the main concern in younger 15 to 45 years old population in Pakistan if these efforts are left unchecked. Extremist regressive Mullahs are as much threat to this as liberal section. Both provide push and pull from...
  14. sady

    Pakistan and India Share Lists of Nuclear & Strategic Facilities With Each Other

    I think as first strike will most likely be from India and rather than Pakistan on nuclear sites, I am sure this is just a formality.
  15. sady

    China may use its ‘pawn’ Pakistan to enter Afghanistan: IAF chief RKS Bhadauria

    I have never seen an Airforce officer talk so much. Indian Airforce is feeling emasculated post Feb 27 and compensating through verbal diarrhea. I am afraid not even F 22 can reduce this feeling of insecurity. IAF must spend on cadre of Psychologists. Preferably one for each officer.
  16. sady

    The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.

    Bangladesh is irrelevant. They chose stability over relevancy. They will have a mundane existence sans any excitement.
  17. sady

    Pakistan should raise Farmers case as Human Rights Issue

    Not now, it is too early. They are not even acknowledging at the moment as Sikh protest but Farmer protest. Let the grievances develop. Let it reach point of no return first then give support.
  18. sady

    Pakistan offers to help train Libyan Army

    Just balancing. You drink Cowcola, we go to Libya.
  19. sady

    France turns the screws on Imran Khan, declines upgrade for Mirage, subs and more

    Apart from being an Indian squeeling, Don't sell your faith for few trinkets. It is your most prized asset even in material realm. Everything builds on it as the basis. Without it, a pile of expensive shaped metal and wires accumulated wil rust as useless junk.
  20. sady

    Pakistani average male/female height and weight cause for concern

    This is expected when sources of quality protein and calcium are expensive. Meat, eggs and milk need to be cheap or the people will become weak and small and it will take generations to recover. Make fun of IK venture of lifestock but it was brilliant.
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