Not defending her but Kaftancıoğlu got 9 years of prison sentence for this tweet she twetted 7 years ago.
Also, this whore said same many times before. Nothing is done.
Our jurisdiction works only for non-Akp people..
Any kind of "safe zone" no matter how deep will only put PKK/YPG under protection against Turkish and Russian/Syrian forces so will only help invaders survive in Syria and eventually establish their terrorist state on Syrian soil. Just like happened in Iraq.
AKP policy on Syria clearly collapsed...
Bu teyze devletin bir bakanı olarak HDP parti binası önünde oturma eylemi yapıyor.
Kime karşı? Pekakaya karşı.
Devlet kavramını da rezil ettiler.
Yapılmasi gereken şuydu: Bu kadınların eylemi meşru gerekçe gösterilerek Pkk'nın Suriye'dekiler de dahil olmak üzere bütün karargahları yerle bir...
Too late... More and more people here leave islam. Atheism and deism are on a very sharp rise. Even islamic school graduated imams started questioning Quran heavily.