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  1. P

    Kashmiri students in a limbo on Bangla visas, Discrimination suspicion after long wait

    No. Indian Muslims require visa because you hate Indian Muslims. You neither wanted them in the past nor today. Your hypocrisy is on full display.
  2. P

    HISTORY: India’s LCA Makes 1st Landing On Aircraft Carrier Deck

    It is basic common sense that you need the parts to build the product. :hitwall: LCA Tejas FOC was delayed multiple times as the aerial refueling probe and quartz nose cone radome procurement from UK based Cobham were delayed .
  3. P

    Kashmiri students in a limbo on Bangla visas, Discrimination suspicion after long wait

    The question is why is Bangladesh and Pakistan requiring a Visa for Indian Muslims? Shouldn't all Indian Muslims be allowed to travel to Pakistan and Bangladesh without a Visa? Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are the hypocrites of the highest order.
  4. P

    Tricolour, anthem — India’s Muslims on why they’re using national symbols in protests Many Twitter u

    No. We will become stronger by converting Muslims to Christianity. Christianity is the way to go in India. Islam has no future in India, Thanks to Jinnah and Pakistan.
  5. P

    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    The fact that Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan are immigrating to India even at the risk of being declared illegals and to live under a Hindu majority says a lot where the Muslims of subcontinent are being persecuted. Ahmadiyyas can declare themselves as Muslims and practice their faith...
  6. P

    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    Indian Christians have full backing of the West and the Indian Congress party. A Muslim trying to drive an wedge between Jews and Christians? Good luck.
  7. P

    Tricolour, anthem — India’s Muslims on why they’re using national symbols in protests Many Twitter u

    Muslims of India did not choose India. They were left to fend for themselves by Jinnah and his followers. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis hates Muslims of India but will come here and shed crocodile tears for them. The clear choice for the Muslims of India is to embrace Christianity as Pakistan...
  8. P

    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    CAA is a blessing in disguise for Christianity. Wait and watch how Muslims of India will embrace Christianity en masse.
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    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    Christianity is the fastest growing religion in India.
  10. P

    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    What about Christians?
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    Israelis don't want to be America's pawns in the Middle East any longer

    Why be a pawn when you could be the minister?
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    Indians To Deploy Apaches on Pakistan Border

    Too few to make a difference. Indian Army needs at least 200 Apaches to make a difference.
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    Talk Less, Work More, Indian Army Chief Told !

    Very good suggestion from the Congress party.
  14. P

    ‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

    Hindus are cowards even in India. Muslims have successfully cleansed Hindus from Kashmir.
  15. P

    India partition better or worse for Muslims?

    71 proved that 47 was wrong.
  16. P

    ‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

    It is never too late to embrace Christianity.
  17. P

    All stories on Ukraine airliner tragedy

  18. P

    Beaking News..Indian Army Planning of Armoured Attack From Famous Chawinda Sector...!

    Yes. Modi and IAF have clearly stated that we have to wait until Rafales are fully available.
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