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  1. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    USAF delivered pakistan two embargoed Pakistani F-16s

    28 were built but not all of them were delivered, a number are still in service with the USN and the 43 remaining were never built. As much as some of us would like more F-16s it seems unlikely unless the Biden administration decides to stay in Afghanistan.
  2. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Covid: WHO team probing origin of virus arrives in China

    ah the good old "but he's doing it too" argument, never thought I'll see it again after 4th grade
  3. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Covid: WHO team probing origin of virus arrives in China

    time to stop eating what you're not supposed and decimating the world's wildlife in the process
  4. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

    direct replacements can include the AW101, NH90, S-92, H225M all of which will require quite an amount of capital. Besides, the sea kings recently underwent refurbishment so they're gonna stay a while.
  5. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PIA plane 'held back' by Malaysian authorities over UK court case

    pakistan should pay for the aircraft they use
  6. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    looks like it albeit without the modifications
  7. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PAF Squadrons History

    Nos 1, 2, 6 and 9 squadrons were all allocated to Pakistan upon independence, but, unlike the army, the air force did not continue the heritage of the units that came to it it's share except the No 9 and (partly) the No 6 squadrons. would anyone happen to know the motto of the 16?
  8. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Bill reintroduced in US House to terminate designation of Pakistan as Major non-NATO ally 1/4/2021

    I don't have anything against china, I'm pointing out our non existent foreign policy. give them a few years they'll get there
  9. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Bill reintroduced in US House to terminate designation of Pakistan as Major non-NATO ally 1/4/2021

    yeah we don't, first we were dependant on the US now we're dependant on china ;)
  10. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    no thank you I think I'm done
  11. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    the audacity of talking about fantasies coming from someone who thinks israel so much as thinks twice about the world doesn't revolve around this country snap out of it come up with a better argument than what someone writes in their bio and then we'll talk kid
  12. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    really hard to take such absurdity seriously in this day and age
  13. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PAF Squadrons History

    Squadron Leader Badar Islam and his stills from his HUD Afghan MiG-21 (currently at PAF Museum) and Su-22 after defecting to Pakistan Squadron Leader Abdul Hamid Qadri with part of the wreckage of a Su-22 he downed over Parachinar
  14. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PAF Squadrons History

    there is some media on the forum. pafwallpapers.com also had a good collection of media from this time period, including stills from Sqn Ldr Badar Islam's gun can but unfortunately the website has been down for a while now.
  15. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Three Nigerian JF-17 Almost Ready For Delivery From PAC

    who says I was talking about the Arabs or any muslims for that regard tho? My reply was to your point about the Chinese.
  16. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Three Nigerian JF-17 Almost Ready For Delivery From PAC

    Like I said, it's called having interests. The sooner you learn that the easier it'll be for you to come to terms with when tomorrow that Arab is replaced by a Han
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