He said that they bought the license from GPV to develop PARS 1, but that it did not satisfy the requirements of the Turkish military so FNSS improved on the platform with PARS 2 and now PARS 3.
I think there could be a typo on Milliyet or some sort of miscommunication regarding the roadmap for UTKU. 68 ay (prototip degilde) seri uretime gecme olabalir. Cunku 68'ay sonra prototip olursa, bunun birde test asamasi vesayresi var, o da bir kac yil alir ozaman. Seri uretim anca 2025'e...
I am fully aware that hate has been indoctrinated since birth. And that is the problem. However what we should strive for is to be the solution to this problem, not become a part of it. By replying with hatefull remarks, scooping to their level only exacerbates the problem. Not only that, by...
That sounds awfully lot like a racist/fascist talk. These types of policies never end well to the country that implements them. Turkey is not and never has been a fascist state, unlike some would like the world to believe (like pkk and the rest of Turkey's enemies). We got to be mature about it...
Link'de "UTKU Projesi / 1000bg Güç Grubu - BMC Power" altinda bu motor 68 ayda prototipi uretlilecek diye yazmissin. Bu bir yazim hatasi olmasin? 68 ayda prototip biraz uzun geldi bana.
Hayir, serefsizlik degildir. Tam tersi bu teror'e cok agir darbedir. Terror'un en guclu silahi propaganda ve algi yonetimidir (Avrupada sempati kazanma nedenidir). Terror eylemlerinin gayiside budur, yoksa onlarda herkes gibi biliyor teror eylemleriyle bir ulke bolunmez. Ancak destabile olur ve...
I am sure most of you will agree with me here, but I am totally fine if Turkey were to give (not even sell) the S400 systems to Azerbaijan. This will take at least the S400 argument out of the F35 problem, because I do wish for Turkey to stay in the program as it gives Turkey workshare which has...
Having three airports was techniqally not viable if I recall correctly. Concerning the flightpaths of the planes for landing when it came to Ataturk airport and Istanbul airport. And instead of operating 3 different airports it would be financially and logistically more viable to consolidate...
I initially wrote this message in Turkish, but here is the Google translated version:
Tam tersi. Silah ile terorizmi bitirmek son care olan bir metoddur. Terrorizmi kokunden bitirmemiz gerekiyor, yani yeni eleman bulamasinlar. Ayni Koronavirusu vakalari gibi, insanlar iyilesiyor ama bunun yani...
Magpul sarjorlerde lisans gibi bir sey olabilir. Ama sarjor konusuna el atip daha elverisli yaparlarsa, mutlaka AR10 sarjoru olacak diye birsey yok, video'daki dendigi gibi kaba olmasa askerlerimiz icin daha elverisli olur. Bu arada AR10 sarjorlerinde lisans olmaz diye dusunuyorum. Askerlerimiz...
4:20'den itibaren sarjor hakkindaki soyledikleri biraz moralimi bozdu. Bu AR10 sarjorleri MPT'lerde neden standart degilde, Can arkadasimizin dedigi gibi kaba olan sarjorlerin MPT'lerde standart olmasi moralimi biraz bozdu.
Moralimi bozma nedenide bundan kaynaklaniyor: Ingiltere olimpiyatlarda...
It depends on the content of the tweet to be honest. Now I don't know what was written in the actual tweet or tweets themselves, but Twitter and other social media can be used as an effective way for propaganda and provokations.
Most recent example is how social media including twitter is being...
I heard this 'we have a lot of oil/gas reserves as well as boron but are not allowed to pump and sell it for 100 years because of Lausanne treaty' theory for many years now. Even before AKP was in power, I remember hearing this when I was a kid. This is a myth that has persisted for a very long...
Am I missing something here? The article says 45% is renewable, while 66% is domestic and renewable combined? The graph is pretty transparent regarding the information it is showing, in my opinion.
I am not a fan of coal either by the way, but I understand the strategy that they are going for...
Thanks for sharing.
These camo patterns are not bad looking at all. I like it. I'm sure it will grow on me even more as time goes on and see more pictures of it on actual personell (if it gets accepted). I am talking pure cosmetic here by the way, I am well aware that effectiveness is what is...
I'm sure they calculate it according to the production price. Ismail Demir was asked about the 65% domestic in the military industry and how they calculated it, and he replied they looked at the price if I recall correctly.
According to this...